Ch. 13 •

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I woke up a couple hours later. I turned on my side and looked to see if hunter was up, he was. He look up from his phone while laying down.
"Morning" he smiled at me
I was too tired so I just smiled back at him.
It was quiet for a second
"Come with me, I wanna show you something" he smiled and sat up
I got up and rubbed my eyes
"My legs still hurt" I whispered while sitting back down on the bed
"Fine I'll carry you" he laughed
"Noo" I argued laughing while he already picked me up off the bed bridal style.
He soon brought me to the elevator and pressed the button.
He set me down and I looked at him and laughed to myself
"Where are we going?" I asked
"You'll see" he said as the doors open
As they open I saw a sunrise.
"Woah" I whispered and saw hunter looking at me from the corner of my eye
Soon I heard the door to the roof open.
Blake came over to us
"hey" he whispered while rubbing his eyes
Looking like he just woke up
"Hi" me and hunter said in sync
"Alex wanted me to come and find you guys. He wants us at the breakfast diner at 9:30 to talk to us all, then we start driving again on the bus." He said and walked away
"Alex?" I asked hunter, confused
"Our tour manager" he answered
I nodded my head and started limping back towards the exit
He picked me up again and opened the door.
"You don't have to carry me, Hunter" I said laughing.
He brought me back to the room and everyone's started getting ready
-time skip-
We were all downstairs at the diner getting breakfast.
We sat down at the table with Alex , the tour manager.
"So, I have good news!" Alex says
We all brought our attention to him
"After this tour, you guys are invited to go to magcon" he adds
"Really" everyone asks all excited
I just sat there looking around since I knew this had nothing to do with me.
As soon as the conversation was over, we went to the bus to keep driving.
Everyone was talking to each other so I just went on my phone.
"So are you excited?" Hunter asked me
"Forrr?..." I replied confused
"Magcon" he answered
"Oh, yeah... I'm happy for you." I said smiling. What does he mean excited?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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