Unforeseen (Finalized and New)

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The night was dark with beautiful stars. Bryanna couldn't help but stay awake. The cricket's chirping was louder, and she was much too fascinated with the world around her. She slipped out of her house, and she began to explore, running under the giant tree roots.

Bryanna reached the lake and spotted a strange creature. He looked much like the boggins, wearing the skin of an animal as a cloak. His blue skin looked menacing, but all sorts of creatures carried different colors as they were different species. However, she had not met a creature with the same shade as the boggins. She took a step back for good measure.

"Wait." He said. "I'm not what you think. I'm actually good."

Bryanna raised a brow and stepped forward. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not trying to destroy the forest or leafmen like the other boggins. I'm actually here to clease the water."

"Why do you have a rat as a cloak?"

The creature smiled. "It keeps me warmer than my mouse cloak." He shrugged. "Why are you wearing those strange clothes?"

Bryanna shrugged. "I like them more than the clothes they gave me from here."

The creature nodded. "Understandable." He stuck his staff in the water, and the water began to change into a strange yellow color that glowed.

Bryanna paused. "What does that do?"

The creature smiled. "It cleanses the water. That's why it looks kind of dirty. It's taking all the bad away from the good."

Bryanna looked at the glowing water, watching the magic move and spread. "Why is it still in the water though?"

"It will disappear once the water is entirely clean."

Bryanna looked at the boggin with furrowed brows. "How can I trust that what you've told me is true?"

The creature shrugged and pointed at the water. "If that is not proof enough, I don't know what is."

Bryanna raised a brow as she stared at the water again. She looked at the creature for a long moment. "What's your name?"

"Mandrake." He smiled. "Yours?"

"Bryanna, and I've got my eye on you."

"I know," he grinned.

"I'll see you later." Bryanna looked at the water and began walking away. She planned to tell Nod, but she wouldn't be able to until the morning.

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