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"Grayson Bailey Dolan committed  suicide on the early
morning of
september 16, 2016."

and that was the worst day / night of my life.

no note.

no explanation.

he's just gone.
The next morning

every morning i go for a run.
to clear my head. i don't know why but running helps.
maybe it's because me and grayson ran every morning together.
who knows.


perfect time for that run.

replaying last nights events made me a bit cautious.
but i headed out anyways.


stopping at the end of old cemetery road.
this is where grayson is buried.

i decided to go see his grave, it's been a few weeks since my last visit.

" Grayson B. Dolan
Gone but always loved.
12.16.1999 -

sitting on the ground in front of his grave i decided to talk.

it's not weird.

"hey gray." i said picking away the dead flowers.

"i really miss you. and i miss all the fun we use to have." sighing i continued.

"i love you. so much, more than a friend."
wow, confessing my love now?
go lauren.

"i just wish you were still here."
i said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

two cold hands touching my cheeks brought me away from the thoughts in my head.

making me freeze in fear.

i didn't see anyone though.

then i heard him again.

"im always gonna be here. and im in love with you as well laur."

by now im scared shitless.

suddenly the cold touch went away and the warmness flushed back through my cheeks.

he touched me.

grayson touched me.

and said he's in love with me..?

Authors note
chapter three.
remember, all events in the book are fake and not real.
suicide is never the answer ❤️
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Xoxo Jas 😜

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