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i literally joke about wanting to die.
but i mean what's the point in living, with out gray?

right now, im in my car driving to ethan's house.
i feel like we both could use the company.

as i turned onto his street, i saw a truck driving in my lane. like coming in my direction.
before i could even think about moving, it hit me.
all i remember is hitting my head.
then darkness.


beep... beep... beep...

what in the world is that noise?

it was really a task but i managed to open my eyes.

i was in the hospital?

looking around the small room i saw my mom along with my dad.. why are they in cali?

i was able to croak out a "mom" to catch her attention.

when she saw me, she literally smiled from ear to ear, saying something along the lines of the dolans?  and grayson? why grayson?

"mom, what happened," i asked to stop her babbling.

"oh dear," she said frowning.

"last year, on september sixteenth, you and grayson were coming home from the carnival when a drunk driver hit you." she said choking back tears.

"and you've been a coma ever since." she cried.

okay wait. so grayson was alive?

and that whole year, was just some sick dream?

"where's grayson?" i asked my mom.

and i kid you not, as soon as the words came from my mouth i heard running in the hall way outside my room.

followed by the door opening.

and in he walked, black vans, gray sweats, and a pink hoodie.

holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

there he stood, wearing that same childish grin i fell in love with.

"grayson dolan," i finally managed to say.

"lauren taylor," he whispered back. 

it was him.

it was really him.

Authors Note
Theeee endddd.

Thank you so much to the ones who took time to read my book!!!

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Xoxo jas❤️

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