Reader x Pillow

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You walked into Snas' room, looking around. You saw how messy it was but you didn't care, you just wanted to bite into your juicy lemon that you brought with you. You sat down on his bed and started to unpeel it, the peelings started to swing in the air.

"Ooh heya. You really like swinging that thing around, don't yah hun?" you heard a voice speaking. You turned to the pillow and saw that it had formed a mouth.

"Why don't you start unpeeling me, you sexy sack of of meat?~" the pillow licked it's lips.

Snas appeared into his room and saw you sitting on his bed.

"Y/N? What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"Ooh my owner has returned. Now we can start with the real fun.~" the pillow giggled. Snas' left eye turned hollow while his other eye glowed blue. He pointed a wagering finger at you.

"You filthy sinner. You flirted with my pillow and now it's come to life. How dare you!" he shouted. You were not wanting any part of this so you threw the lemon at the pillow and ran out Snas' room at Sanic speed. You never went over there again in fear of the pillow.

The End.

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