Chapter 2

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For a bit, I had no clue where I was.

All around me it was darkness that rippled as if it were a veil over my eyes. ​I couldn't tell which way was up or down, left or right. I couldn't see or breathe. Everything was silent. I felt like I was in a void of nothingness. Wait... Could this be what death feels like? My senses finally came back, I realized I​​​​ was underwater, not dead. At that same moment. Someone yanked me out.

​The person drags me all the way to the shore, which is where I got my first look at him. He has dark curly hair, olive skin and brown eyes. He has a look in his eyes that told you he was a hyperactive kid. Tony's to my left being pulled out by a girl with choppy brown hair in braids and her eyes were... green? Brown? Blue? I couldn't​​​​ tell. They seem to change every second like a kaleidoscope. She was one of those people who was naturally pretty no matter what (which made me jealous cause I look like a potato and gorilla 24/7).

"​WHAT THE HELL JU-mmm!," I start to shout until curly covers my mouth.

"​Shh. They'll find us," He replies.

​I try to say who but thanks to his hand it comes out as mwh.

​Then I see them.

​It was Ashley​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ and her little gang. But they were different. By different I mean they mutated. They look like vampires with one robot and one... horse I think... leg. I could smell the wet animal and oil from the other side of the lake.

​They stayed in there area for a bit, just looking around as if trying to find something. After a few minutes they left.

​I let out a breath I'd been subconsciously holding. I could hear Tony do the same.

"​What the hell was th"- I begin to say

​Then I noticed the magical horses.

​There were horses. But they had wings. Like full on wings. Flapping around like nobody's business. They have about a seven feet span and sparkled in the sunlight. There's two of them. A black one and a white one. They were attached to some kind of cart. Wait I remember these. There called... CHARIOTS! That's the word. Why the hell would they use a chariot?

​Being the naturally smooth person I am, I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"​Holy shit they're unicorns."

"​Actually they're pegasus." Braids says.

​The two uni-Pegasus neighed as if they were agreeing.

"​Now we don't have much time. Get in the chariot," she said.

​This is when my internal survival instincts kick in.


"​I FOUND THEM!" a voice shouts from behind.

"​SHIT!" Curly yells.

​It was one of Ashley's vampire-goat-robot things. Up close I could see they also have fangs.

"​GET IN!" Braids and Curly shout.


​Tony had slung me over one shoulder and was running towards the chariot. He through​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ me in then followed.

​Next thing I know, we're flying, leaving a bunch of angry creatures behind us​​​. Going who knows where?

I got this bad feeling that my life is about to change a lot, again.​

Daughter of time- Percy Jackson fanfic CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now