Chapter 5

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I don't think the drugs have quite worn off yet.

Standing in front of me was a creature. From the waist up it's an aveage human. Male, about 30 with dark chin length hair and old eyes that seem to have seen it all. From the waist down, there was nothing human about him. He had a horse body. His fur was the same colour as his hair. It's well kept, like the show horses you see on TV. From the ground to his head he has to be getting in the 8 feet range...

"Well, you must be the one their talking about," he says "Come have a seat,"

"And close your mouth, the flies are making a nest in there," another voice says. I realize that my moth had been wide open and close it, feeling the skin on my face turn pink. I take a slightly wide loop around him to the couch he's gesturing to. Piper, Leo and Tony are all there, looking anxious and ansty. The second their eyes meet mine, the seem to relax a bit. Tony walks over to me and hugs me. I feel my breath take a sharp intake and I pull away. He seems sad, yet releaved at the same time. He looks up and down, making sure I'm 100% ok. Then he sits down without a word.

"You feeling better?" Piper asks.

"Uhm yeah," I reply. My skin and bones were ok, but my mind was about ready to explode. It was racing through one thought after the next. The one it seemed to always get stuck on one thought. The voice in the water. It seemed to vivid and complicated to make up in my injured semi cincious state...but me be and important piece? It seems highly unlikely...

I take a seat next to Piper. She places her hand on my shoulder and I begin to feel slightly more relaxed. I then notice the guy in the loveseat. He's short and pudgy. His bright Hawaiian shirt makes me question how I missed him at first. He seems to be more focused on anythng besides what was going on in front of him.

The horse man nods to Piper and Leo and they leave the room, whispering their goodbyes. He turns back to us.

"Now, Charly, my name'sChiron," the horse man says "and here is an explination..."

Tony's P.O.V

I am the most awkward person to walk the face of the earth.

I practically protested leaving Charly on the beach. It wasn't until Piper talked to me that I gave in and went to the house. The second I stepped inside, I wanted to go back.

Once she does get here, I completely blow it. My tongue becomes three sizes too big and my brain had no words in it, only emotions, trapped with no way of escaping. So I just hug her. She, not surprisingly, pushes away. I go back to the couch, feeling defeated.

"So Piper and Leo explained who your parents were," Chiron said "At least in general. The more specific god will be revealed when you get claimed."

"And don't ask us what claiming is," The guy I had been introduced to as Mr. D adds. "You'll just know."

"Demigods, like you," Chiron continues, not even aknowledging Mr. D's comment "are constantly at risk due to the monsters that roam the earth and blend in with society. Here, at Camp Half-Blood, we train you to defend yourself against these monsters. We have kept demigods mostly safe for almost three millenia."

I'm too scared to ask why it's "mostly" safe. So instead I ask.

"Shouldn't we be in Greece then?"

They don't look at me like I;m crazy, which is good. Mr. D rolls his eyes.

"They move with the heart of the west. The term "western civilization" actually refers to a mystical force. The gods followed it to Rome, then they followed it to Rome, eventually they came here, and are still here,"

That makes no sense. Charly is nodding along, understanding every word. My confusion must be painted on my face because he looks at me and says "You'll understand one day,"

Charly snickers. I become a tomato.

"But enough of my yapping, your whole new life is outside there," Chiron exclaims. "Now follow me!" He walks out of the room to the front.

New life... maybe this will be better than the last.

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