They see all

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Riko loved you. In more ways than one, he couldnt keep his eyes off you.

He never let anyone get too close to you, he would kidnap them. Mainly guys, he woukd chain them up and whip them harshly.

Blood would gush out onto the floor, as he stabbed his victims in their stomachs.

Riko would dig his hands into their stomachs and pull out organs, pump their body full of adrenaline to keep them awake.

His favorite part was cutting out the eyes and putting them in a glass case, setting them up in a way that made it looked like they were watching.

Riko soon enough came up to you asking if you wanted to see something special, you agreed.

When you walked into the house, then into a secret room. Riko showed everything to you, even the eyes.

You stared in horror at this, you made a run for it but failed. Slipping on some blood, that happened to be on the floor.

Riko pinned to the ground and began to kiss your neck, you whimpered and silently cried for him to stop. Riko stopped then threw you over his shoulder and slammed onto the bed, chaining you to it.

He forced you to watch him torture people you knew, he always would smear some of their blood onto your body.

"You dont know, how crazy I get seeing you covered in blood." Riko growled.

He hovered you and did his daily touches on you body, but this time he planned on claiming you as his officially.

You kicked and squirmed, you knew there was no way out of this one. But you kept moving not wanting to give up.

You looked at the eyes momentarily as  Riko started moving his hands towards your legs.

The eyes watched intently as this action happened, your body being violated in front of them. You couldnt deny the fact it anymore.

'Those eyes see all.'

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