Yandere Ayato

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(A/N: Request from 2001naruto, sorry it took so long.)

My department has been researching about the Aogiri Tree, that has been taking down ccgs.

I've been working my ass off to try and stop these ghouls. They're ruthless and powerful, but the one that invades my mind is the Black Rabbit.

I've always thought there mightve been a connection between the Black Rabbit and Rabbit.

My team was out patrolling around the 24th ward, we split up checking alleyways and abandoned housings.

Ayato's POV:
I jumped from the rooftops avoiding the pesky ccgs, but following a certain woman.

Its crazy to say this, but I fell in love with her. Even though this damn woman is ccg, I fell in love with her.

I never thought I would ever fall in love, but its something about her. Aogiri was planning another attack while I was following the enemy.

I sniffed the air and looked ahead, a ghoul was lurking in the shadows and that dumbass woman was headed straight for him.

I speed ran to the ghoul and began fighting him, using my kagune to kill him quickly.

I heard a grotesque noise while walking down an alleyway, I readied my quinque and approached slowly.

I saw a ghoul dead with blood gushing out of him, he had crystal shards sticking out of him and a huge bite taken out of his neck.

He gargled on his own blood and laid still, I looked around and a man stood behind me.

"Who are you? I am Officer (y/n) (l/n)." I said stepping back a bit.

The man caught me off guard and knocked the quinque out of my grip, holding me from behind.

I gasped and tried to move.

"Let go of me." I demanded.

"Tch. Dumbass woman." He said.

He then held me close from behind and whispered into my ear.

"You won't be hurt anymore."

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