Chapter 3

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Jasper and I walk into school, the seniors bubbling with excitement at the last week of school

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Jasper and I walk into school, the seniors bubbling with excitement at the last week of school. I roll my eyes at them, pushing my way down the hall. Jasper grabs my hand, pulling me into an empty classroom.

"Jas, what are we doing in here?" I ask as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Nothing. Why? Do you want something to happen?" He gently pushes me up against the wall, my arms hanging around his neck. He leans forward, biting my lip.

"You're such a tease." I mumble, crushing my lips to his. We kiss fiercely, our tongues joining together in a crazy dance. He hoists me up, my legs tangling around his hips. Jasper turns us around, carrying me to a desk. He sets me down, pulling me flush against him. My lips trail down his neck, and I nip where his pulse point would be.

"Class starts in two minutes. Don't be late." Alice's voice sounds in our ears. I pull away, groaning in frustration.

"Every time." I mutter while Jasper laughs at me. He offers me his hand, and we walk to class, me glaring at Alice when we pass her chair.


The week had gone by quickly, and I had finally graduated, again. The ceremony was just like every other one I've been to, long and boring. The party was in full swing, kids dancing and getting drunk. Jasper and I were up in our room, doing nothing but kiss. Esme knocks on the door, telling us to come down into Carlisle's office. Alice tells us of the newborn army coming to Forks in a few weeks, how they're after Bella. Jake, who came uninvited with two of his pup friends, says the wolves will fight with us. Bella gets angry at this and protests, but no one listens to her.


I stand outside on the balcony, watching the stars twinkle in the night. I hear Bella approach me, but I don't turn to look at her. For a couple of minutes, we just stand there, not saying anything. Until Bella decides to break the silence.

"Elenor, why do you hate me?" I laugh at her question.

"I'll tell you the same thing Rose did the other night. I don't hate you, just don't particularly like you. And yeah, I guess I envy you." I admit, looking at the ground.

"Why?" Bella asks, moving to stand next to me.

"You have air in your lungs, you grow old, you have a chance at life. All I ever wanted was a life, a happily ever after."

"But what about Jasper?" I turn to face her, a glare in my eyes.

"Don't you dare say that to me. I love Jasper, he is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"But if you were human, you would've never met him." Bella whispers, and I smirk at her fear of me.

"Yes, we would've. In human life, Jasper is only two years older than me. If he hadn't been turned, he would've at some point gone to my village during the war. The day his unit came into town, I was outside with my little sister. My mother told us to make sandwiches for them. I met every single soldier that was there. If Jasper hadn't been turned, I would've met him as well."

"How did you get turned?"

"I was walking home later one night, when a man came out of nowhere. He bit me and forced me to be in his newborn army. Multiple times I tried to escape. After my tenth attempt, the man trapped me down in a basement. I went weeks without blood, but when I got some, it was only a few drops. For five years I lived like that. I wanted to die. During one of the battles, while I was trapped, someone came down to the basement. They saw me and helped me escape. After that, I lived with her and her mate, until we ran into Jasper. The moment I saw him, I knew he was the one. I left my friends, and together, Jasper and I travelled the world, until we met Alice. The rest of the family accepted us immediately, they helped us learn to feed off of animal blood. Ever since, life has been as perfect as it could be being dead."

Just a short filler chapter. Thank you guys for reading! I hope you liked it!

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