Chapter 5

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Jasper and I run through the woods, searching for the scent we caught. By a river, casually sipping water, is a deer. I lunge at it, greedily drinking it dry. I toss away the corpse, not caring where it ends up. I wait for Jasper to finish his mountain lion, gagging at the stench. For some reason, I've never liked mountain lion. I think they're absolutely disgusting. Jasper laughs at my behavior, moving to kiss me.

"No, uh uh, not happening." He rolls his eyes, grabbing my hand as we speed back home. The battle will begin in five hours, so we've been hunting all night to obtain as much energy as we possibly can. Edward and Bella left last night. Edward was supposed to fight with us but Bella whined about how he could get hurt blah blah blah. I almost snapped his neck when he told us. I mean, this whole battle is because of the stupid human. We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for her. Now we're down one of our best fighters because of her.

The five hours go by quickly and we're soon standing on the field. The wolves hide behind this abnormally large boulder, waiting for Carlisle's signal to attack. Jasper grabs my hand, giving it a quick squeeze. The sound of dozens of footsteps echoes throughout the woods. I take an unneeded breath of air, positioning myself so I'm ready to charge. The first newborns rush at us and we do the same. I grab the closest newborn by the arm, lifting them above my head and slamming them onto the ground. I place my foot on their throat, keeping heir head down while I rip the rest of their body off. Another grabs my arm from behind, twisting it uncomfortably. A large blur flies at them, swiftly knocking them off me. I turn my head, seeing a white wolf killing the vampire. I give them a polite nod, rushing off to help Esme.

Not too long after, the newborns are dead and Edward, Bella, and another wolf join us. A newborn, Bree, who refused to fight stands besides Jasper and I, her eyes scanning over everything. Someone cries out as a random vampire appears from behind a bush. Two wolves move to attack it, but one gets painfully crushed between its arms. The wolf shifts back into his human form, moving around in pain. Alice informs us that the Volturi are on their way, so Carlisle tells the pack to get the boy home. Jane, Felix, Alec, and Demetri emerge from the trees, stopping before us. They remove their hoods, their blood red eyes glaring back at our topaz ones.

"It appears we missed a great fight." Jane says. "It's not normal for the Volturi to be unneeded."

"If you had gotten here earlier you'd have been a great help." Carlisle softly says. Jane's eyes sweep over us, stopping at Bree.

"Pity. You missed one." Bree looks around, terror shining through her eyes.

"She's with us." Esme speaks up. "We've offered her a second chance."

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind, Caius would be interested to know she's still human." She motions to Bella who quivers behind Edward.

"The date is set." Bella tells her. Jane rolls her eyes.

"Take care of this Felix, I'm ready to go home." Felix marches over to Bree, grabbing her by the arms. I turn away, not wanting to watch. I hear Bree let out a pain filled scream before her body crumbles to the ground. The guards leave, the fire slowly dying out.

And here is chapter 5. I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading!

Ever After - A Jasper Hale FFWhere stories live. Discover now