-A Fresh Start-

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  What would an American wear? Marlyn thought as she looked at the clothing. She couldn't just apply for her new job as a SHIELD agent in her old GMSOT uniform. She finally went with a pair of black leggings and a flowing beige blouse.

  She looked at her watch, the boat to New York City leaves in ten minutes. She threw the stolen money on the counter, and sprinted to the harbor.


  Marlyn stepped off the boat and looked around the tall city.
  I am an American SHIELD agent, this is my new life.
  She took in a deep breath and dove into the crowd. She wanted to do some exploring before she took the bus to DC for her appointment with Director Fury.
  The city was alive with action. Cars honked and bright lights flashed from ever sign. There were so many shops, she wished she had more money.
  Boarding the bus, she smiled at everyone she passed, no one smiled back but she was too happy to suppress her smile.


  The identical, polished walls of the SHIELD base made each hall seem twice as long and impossible to navigate. Once Marlyn  became completely and hopelessly lost, she stopped to rest against the cool metal wall.

  "Who are you and what are you doing here?" A harsh voice demanded, jolting her from her thoughts.
  Marlyn jumped up and turned to see who had spoken. Her heart leaped into her throat.
  No way, this can't really be the Black Widow
  "I- I am Marlyn Röus, a German Mutant recruit." She said quickly to the red headed woman. She could feel her face getting hot. "And, and you must be the Black Widow? It is a pleasure to meet you"
  She held out her hand but the Black Widow looked at her with a mix of disgust and suspicion. Luckly, Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman, turned the corner, coming to save the new recruit.
  She rolled her eyes, "Give her a break, Nat." She motioned towards Marlyn. "I'll show you to Director Fury's office."
  Marlyn followed, happy to be away from the Black Widow's suspicious mind but she could still feel her eyes on her back, sharp as daggers with hatred. She knew this woman would be more than ready to kill her if she ever gets the chance.

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