Part 1

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I was walking down a dimly lit street when all of a sudden I felt something grab me. I tried to fight as much as I could, but I was outnumbered by three heavily built guys. They dragged me to this run down building. They took me inside the building and inside was like a secret underground club. The music was blaring along with the dimly lit purple and blue lighting. I was still trying to regain my strength and fight again, but an idea came to mind. I could honestly just try and scream since there are so many people here.
The guy that was carrying me punched me in the gut. Before my vision blurred I caught a glimpse of a guy.
I woke up again and saw that the guys were apparently waiting for me to gain consciousness, I accidentally made eye contact with one of the guy and he smirked. He caught the other guy's attention to signal that I was awake and they slowly walked towards me. I was terrified as to what they'd do... They could rape me and just leave me off the streets to die or... Before I could think of other outcomes they started tearing my clothes, and my jeans turned into shorts, my long sleeves turned into a tank, and before they did anything else someone bursted into the room. He was half naked showing only his chest while wearing long black pants and he had bunny ears on his head along with a black Vienna mask on his face. He made eye contact with me while I was on the verge of tears. He looked at the guys while his back faced me. He took out the guys with his amazing speed and strength. Once the guys were out, he helped me up.
"Are you okay?" He asked with a worried look behind his masked face.
I somehow managed to nod in my state of mind.
"Good. Can you stand? Or do you need help?"
I tried to get up, but the shock was too much and I fell back down on the mattress.
He looked at me contemplating on something. He then picked me up, bridal style, and carried me to a different room.

He gently laid me down on a couch in a living space of some sort, but we were still in that secret club. He looked at me one more time.

"What's your name?" He asked with a sincere smile.
"W-what's your n-name?" I asked him a bit unsure of whether I should be giving out my name at such a strange location.
He chuckled a little while grasping the situation.
"Jungkook. My name's Jungkook." He said while taking off his mask.

I could see his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I was a bit mesmerized until he coughed which brought me back to reality.

"Ah... it's Y/N..." I said.
"That's a cute name. Nice to meet you, Y/N."
He said showing his bunny smile.
I gave him a slight smile in return since I was feeling a bit awkward...

Someone had called him from outside.
"Hey, I have to go. I guess I'll see you around." He said as he put his mask back on, smiled, and walked out of the room.
I looked around the room and tried to find any clothes I could change into since showing skin isn't my forte. I saw that he left some clothes on the table beside me. Long sleeve shirt and pants. Talk about a life savior. I grabbed the clothes and changed as quickly as I could and exited the room.

I was met with loud music, the smell of sweat and alcohol, and people grinding on each other. I usually never end up in these sort of situations because I am usually at home studying, but I had an after school project to finish which led me to this stupid situation. I looked around trying to find an exit until I accidentally bumped into someone.

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