Part 3

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I was walking around trying to find the exit until I saw a plate of lobster looking bite sized things placed in front of my face. I stopped and looked up to see who it was.

It was another guy that was half naked and wearing the same thing as the other two guys, except this guy had broader shoulders. He looked into my eyes and smiled with his plump lips. The only thought that went through my head at that moment was, "Wow... He's really handsome... Possibly even worldwide handsome..." I snapped back into reality when he asked me, "Would you like some lobster bites?" As my face was turning red, I replied, "Ugh, yes, please!" I mentally slapped myself in the face because my pitch went up when I said please... Why did this have to happen especially in front of such a handsome guy... He gave me the lobster bites from his tray along with a napkin, and left to serve someone else.

I look down at the lobster bite, as my stomach growled. I popped the whole thing into my mouth. It was savory, sour, sweet, and cheesy. It was probably the best thing I have ever had in my life. It tasted almost homemade, but that's absurd since this is a club! As I was about to wipe my mouth with the napkin, I noticed writing on it. I looked down at the napkin and tried to make out the letters in the dark.

"If you're interested, let's meet again at 4am when the club closes. I'll be waiting. -Jin"

I looked at the note dumbfounded that such a good looking guy was attracted to ME. The introverted nerd who NEVER goes out. "Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. Hopefully things will take a turn for the better," I thought as I tried to think of things I could do until 3am. I looked at my watch and it was 2:30am. "What should I do for 90 minut—" I wasn't able to finish my thoughts because someone bumped into a vase and it dropped with a loud crash right behind me. I looked behind myself in shock that it didn't hit me, thank goodness, but also at how worried the man in front of me was.

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