"Lil Sis"

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Lance P.O.V
Were on our way to see Willow I haven't seen her since last month which for some reason seems SOO long my willow little sister is growing up so fast I hate it I saw a picture online with willow and this Seavey boy getting pretty close know I love my little sister but I hate that she's getting "Close" to someone She never dated anyone which was good cause she was never sad and gloomy like all the girls probably ever in high school but know she's in college and she's kinda all grown and doesn't need her big bro anymore... I tell her that all the time but she always Refuses to say it but anyway I'm staying at a hotel near her school which is good I'm staying for about a month Which is awesome cause I'll spend so much time with her she doesn't start her clases in till about 3 weeks which is close to a month I brought Theo and lizzy and Roger Oh And Chris but I'm currently in the car to San Diego it's a 2 hour ride and I'm charging my Mac book and my Camera battery's .

Willow P.O.V
I woke up around 8 because  I had to clean up my dorm you see I've been here for like 3 days and it already looks like a petting zoo My shirts are all over the place so are my pants my bathroom looks like a tornando hit it and the worst part is Lance we'll be here in like 2 hours. I sighed and got up I put on some black Leggings a White crop top with a white flannel over it I go and brush my teeth and hair I just put my hair in a high ponytail and then started cleaning.

I realized I had no cleaning supplies what so ever so I decided to go see if the boys had some Well boy Jonah texted me and told me he's goanna go buy a present for Lance and I was like he's my brother not freaking god pshh I wish I could get a present but honestly I don't care I was just jealous at the time but it doesn't matter I put my slippers on and go to open the door I don't see anyone so I right a quick Message on a sticky note letting them know I took there cleaning supplies if they have any I start to look around I looked in the cabinets under the tv nothing I found a broom but not much that I could use I head into the bathroom as soon as I opened the bathroom door I see Daniel in the shower. Our shower doors are glass but the "lower half" is like a blurry kinda class you can't really see threw it and luckily he's "lower half " was covered but when I walked him I Screamed and ran to my room I could Here him say "What the hell" I quickly grabbed my car keys and went to buy some cleaning supplies.

Daniel P.O.V
I Hurry up and get out of the shower I knew it was willow who came in I quickly put on some joggers  vans and a white t shirt and go to her dorm while I was changing I saw the note she left  she must've had been looking for them well to bad we don't have any but I had to go see what she "saw" when I got into her dorm which took like 5 steps she was no were to be found l decide to text her since we texted last tight I know she's goanna see it //(Daniel:D Willow:W//

D:What did you see
W:uhh what do you mean 😬
W:I didn't see anything the blurry half of the door covered "you"
D:Maybe knock next time
W:I couldn't even hear the water running and I came there for some cleaning supplies not to see you and ..😂
D: surrreee 😏
W:Daniel! Not funny😑
D:I mean if you say so 🤷‍♀️💦
W:and here is we're the Convo Ends 🙄
D:Bring me some hot Chetto puffs on your way please 🙏
W: no For being a douche 😋
D:I'll help you clean 😑
W:Deal I'll be home like in 20 minutes and lance we'll be here in about 1 30 minutes so we have to hurry
D: if you don't bring the Puffs I am taking my butt back in bed because I just saw your room and 😭😭😭
W:Why were you in my room .....?
D:yea I was trying to find you so we could talk about what just happened
W:Did you look threw my things 😑😑😑
D:No wtf I'm not a creep
W:Sure I'm pulling up to "school"
D: *University correction and it's been like 7 min
W: what ever I have everything to clean with so come down here and help me get the things out of the car 😇
D:Coming MOM😤

~Time skip 1 hour There done cleaning ~

Daniel P.O.V
We finished cleaning and I was starving I didn't even get breakfast this morning cause of you know what happened so I just grab my phone and order a large supreme pizza with some garlic sauce cause I know how much willow like it I order a small one also for Jonah who's in the room playing Xbox live with the rest of the boys online and all you here is "Go LEFT NO YOUR OTHER LEFT" and So on but I just ordered him a normal cheese.
"What are doing " willow said while jumping on her bed to sit next to me "ordering pizza cause I'm starving and I'm sure you are to " I said "uhh you know me so well"she said I smirked I could till she's tired."hey if you want you could take a quick nap I'll get the food don't worry " I said "nah it's fine and lance is gonna be here in like 35 min " she said while leaning her head on my shoulder it felt comfortable having her there i see her looking up at me I pretend not to notice but then I turn my head to her,her dark brown chocolate eyes take me in and I slowly start leaning in I know she is to cause her hands went from her lap to my neck mines on her waist our lips brushing on top of each other and then there's a knock at the door.

"Yo Is this Willows room" I hear  a voice I can tell it's lance I clear my throat and willow gets up and opens the door I can feel the little bits of lip gloss she left behind.

Willow  P.O.V
As soon as i here that door i wanted to scream    I wanted He's lips on mine for some reason so badly I mean i just meet him they only thing I know about him is he's from a very amazing band called Why don't we and we go to the same school and that he's my neighbor that's it but I get up and before I open the door i gave Daniel a wink and I could see he's smirk from a mile away then I finally open the door "OMG Willows my LiL Sis I haven't seen you in so Lon-" he said and then I see he's face turn to Daniel sitting on They end of my bed l had to think of something I mean my big brother in my room (just him by the way the rest of the fam stayed in packing but we'll come and visit) with they guy I almost just kissed so this happens "Oh Lance this is my Bestfriend Daniel,Daniel this is my way over protective brother Lance " I said "Nice to meet you love your videos by the way " I here Daniel say while shaking his hand "thanks nice music Logan sends The links all the time " he said "thanks the rest of the boys are in that room playing video games there obsessed over you we should go scare them for some VLOG footage " Daniel said "Great thinking I like you already " Lance said and then they were off.

Lance P.O.V
When I got into Willows apartment or my lil sis I've called her that for years even tho she's not the little anymore but what ever I really like this Daniel boy I mean He knows the VLOG life and seems very nice him and I went to go scare the rest of the boys while willow stayed with the pizza which I didn't want to do cause I actually wanted some. When me and Daniel were done prancing the boys we took some pictures and I had to head back cause Theo was a little sick and lizzy was going out to get some food for us so no one would be able to watch him so I quickly kinda speed walk to Willows dorm cause when I was talking to lizzy on the phone she told me to invite Willow and her boyfriend to dinner later on this week so it would be like a double day plus I mean I have to find out more about my lil sisters boyfriend,when I walk into her dorm her and Daniel were talking she was giggling and blushes which she never does but I quickly pack everything I took out back and cleaned up my mess and grabbed a slice of pizza and was about to leave In Tell I remembered to tell them about the Double date "Oh Hey willow and Daniel me and lizzy are inviting you to come eat dinner with us cause you know we're fancy like that nah I'm just kidding yea we're having a double date this Saturday see you there " I said and walked out.

Willows P.O.V

Daniel P.O.V

Cliff hanger kinda ok and I was writing like half of this last week and it didn't save so it all deleted that's why it took me forever to post sorry but hope you guys like this semi long chapter and I'll post another chapter next week or earlier 😊 Please comment and Vote and follow ❤️this Was exactly 1736 words
Love Nely 😘

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