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Ok so first thing: the description basically describes this book.
Ok yea second thing: I'm fine with taking requests! I don't get ideas too easily so requests are always great!
Third thing: I drew the cover/picture at the top! Whoop whoop. Also, don't mention the fact that I don't draw faces cause I will stab you. (Hey if you say I'm violent you should hear my friend's quote "if you cut my hair I cut you" and apparently everyone agreed with her but me) (ok now I'm getting off topic sorry lol)
Fourth: here's my friends accounts that helped create the characters:
MidnightJelly  (on her account you can find a book called "random" and you'll find the original story of peanut and dingbat there) (we used story generators for those and they're hilarious so check them out)
(I think I tagged all of them in but I have such a bad memory but that's all of them I think)
Fifth thing: All of my friends that were tagged and I have a shared Wattpad account as well! It's Dingnut and it's a page with all of our stories! (Including this book)
Sixth thing: I'm probably going to make lots of fandom references so if you get those good job!
Aaaaand last thing: I love angst, and fluff, but I'm not always too nice with angst so *cracks knuckles* good luck mwahahahahha (Though I'm trying to be nice and not do too much angst for this book. So yea I'm trying to be a little nice lol)
(Also I love soulmate AUs so there's probably going to be lots of those)

One shot book of the stories of Peanut Butter and Dingbat McWeirdopantsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant