Unloved flowers

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((I told y'all I had a great idea for angst. This one will have two parts. This basically takes place after last chapter. I know it's a one shot book, but I did want to continue a bit on the first chapter. Ok now time for angst. If you don't know what this AU is, it's the Hanahaki Disease AU. (Aka my most favorite soulmate AU)))

    Dingbat sighed while she sat down at her job at the cafe. Being 17, she had to have this job to save money for college. It was a slow and hot day today, and no matter how hard she hoped, Peanut still hadn't come in for her usual complicated coffee. She looked at the clock. 12:42. She sighed. Her shift didn't end until 2. She laid her head on the counter, when she heard the ding of the front door opening. She sat up quickly, hoping with all of her heart that it was the person she was waiting for. She looked towards the door, and she felt like time itself had stopped along with her heart. She had never seen Peanut in this kind of light before. Well, metaphorically, of course the cafe lighting was always the same and- never mind. Her thoughts were rambling again. She didn't even know what to think anymore. Her face started to heat up, and she stumbled over to the cash register.

  "O-oh hi Peanut! What would you like today?" She nervously stuttered. She mentally kicked herself for acting this way. She never got this flustered usually. Peanut then awkwardly spoke, probably curious about why Dingbat was like this. Just the other day she would grumble about everything.

  "Oh um hi Dingbat!" Peanut waved a little. "Ill have my usual Caramel cinnamon white hot chocolate macchiato please!"

  "Right away!" She turned to get the coffee cup, when she paused. Her throat clenched, and she felt like she could barely breathe. She doubled over in pain, as she felt something come up her throat. Her first thought was that she just might puke, but it felt different. It was soft, yet sharp at the same time, and it was laced with a warm liquid. She held a hand over her mouth, and raced towards the nearest bathroom, not caring about the coffee anymore. She bolted into the nearest stall, and began to cough over the toilet. Whole carnations came out laced with blood in every cough. With horrified blurry tear filled eyes, she stumbled towards the wall, still coughing fiercely. The next minute she heard a slam as the main bathroom door opened, and hurried footsteps ran in. She could barely see under the stall, but she knew it was Peanut. She could barely hear Peanut's muffled shouts of her name as she slid down to sit on the ground. She sobbed quietly into her hands. She didn't know what was happening. They didn't exactly tell you what to do when you start puking up flowers in school. She could hear the knocking on the door. To her though, it sounded like there were people banging their fists on the door.

"Bang bang bang" it rang in her ears.
"Clang clang clang" she sobbed even more, just wishing the pain in her lungs would stop. She felt something like a thorny vine seem to grow a bit in her lungs. She just wanted it all to stop. She just wished she hadn't fallen for Peanut.

((Mwahahahahha I'll write the next part later today. I'll just leave y'all on a cliffhanger cause I'm tired and evil lol))

One shot book of the stories of Peanut Butter and Dingbat McWeirdopantsWhere stories live. Discover now