Dingbat McWeirdopants gets a crush

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((Whoop whoop first chapter. I have a really good angst chapter, but I thought it'd be better to start with fluff and sorta an introduction))

Dingbat grabbed her notebook and sat on her bed. She felt her face begin to heat up as she started to quickly write. She sighed, pausing for a moment, and put her head down on the covers of her bed. She groaned as she thought of her stupid decisions today.

  "Yep! Because I had to fall for her! Her stupid pretty face and everything. Ugh." She spoke into the covers, sounding muffled, but she didn't even care if anyone heard her. She was pretty sure she was home alone, and she was glad because she didn't think she could handle social situations right now.  She sat up and brushed her short crinkly red hair out of her face. She picked up her pen again and continued to write.

  "Dear Diary,
Ok so, you know that girl I was talking about a couple of pages ago? Yea the pretty one with long silky black hair that's probably around three heads taller than me that always comes into my cafe and orders the most complicated orders with the longest and smartest words and always twirls her hair as if she was nervous when she talks to me? That I thought I hated? Well uhhh... funny story... I may or may not have a crush on her now....."

  Dingbat re-read the words she wrote, and felt her face heat up even more, if that was possible.

  "So long story short, the other day I was locking up the cafe, when this person comes up to try and steal the cafe keys and my purse. I screamed, but before I could do anything, they punched me in the ear. I heard a ringing noise in my ear and and shrieked with pain. I seemed to be a bit shocked and they almost got away, when miraculously Peanut, who was walking nearby, had seen the whole scene and ran up, and punched the person in the eye. The thief, then realizing they wouldn't be able to win against two people, ran away, dropping my purse and the cafe keys. I immediately fell to the ground and held my ear, it was still ringing and it hurt really, really badly. I almost forgot Peanut was there until she spoke,

  "Hey, are you ok?"

  I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She had a look of concern and brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

  "Do you... uh, do you need any help? It looks like they punched you hard...."

  She held her hand out, offering to help me up. I felt my heart skip a beat. Still holding my ear with one hand, I took her hand with mine. With her help I stood up kinda quickly. Wincing, I stumbled over my feet a little. She caught me, and then turned to look at my face, clearly worried.

  "Hey, do you need to go to the hospital?"

  I had felt the tips of my ears heat up a tiny bit. I tried to speak, but I was stuttering all over the place. I didn't know why, but ugh, I was so oblivious. I'm still groaning at the thought of my conversation today.

  "U-um no I think I'm fine thank you. I, um, I think that I'll be fine enough getting home. U-uh thank you for... uh, saving me. I think tha-that I should be going tonight... T-thanks again!"

  I then had picked up my bag and keys and sorta fast walked away from the cafe to my car, leaving a confused Peanut standing still. Ugh, I'm such an oblivious fool. So yea, that happened today. My ear still hurts, but it's a lot better. I think I'm going to try to go to bed. Keyword: Try. Let's see if I can get my mind on any other topic. Don't worry diary I'll keep you updated on this hopeless crush. Well, goodbye for now.

    Dingbat put the diary away on her desk beside her, and hid her blushing face under the covers. She just hoped this crush wouldn't grow to anything more. She closed her eyes, and eventually, she fell asleep.

One shot book of the stories of Peanut Butter and Dingbat McWeirdopantsWhere stories live. Discover now