Chapter 1

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Alex noticed it the moment her and Nona arrived at the locked gate to Maggie Adler's house. She noticed something with the two boys she'd left to cool off at Harden Tower. They seemed to, stand differently. It was a strange thing to observe, Alex would admit, but something felt ... wrong.

Ren was leaned up against the fence with his arms folded, and Jonas was crossed legged on the ground. Along with that, the expressions made her uneasy. They made the two look out of character. Sure, Alex didn't know Jonas that well, seeing as they only met that day, but she was confident she knew him enough to be able to tell he was acting strange. But the thing that was really out of the ordinary was the cigarette hanging out of Ren’s mouth. Alex knew that, despite the amount of ‘magic’ brownies that Ren ate, he hated smoking. It could’ve just had something to do with the fact she barfed all over his shoes when she’d inhaled the smoke, but that was beside the point. The point was, he never smoked. Looking over at Nona, Alex could see that she was just as shocked.

“Oh hey. The key sisters are back!” Jonas said, rather chipper, as he sprung to his feet. “Did you find--Whaaat, are those faces for?”

“Did you forget; already?” Ren suddenly asked with a rather annoyed tone.

“Forget, what?” Alex scoffed confused, her arms folding over her chest. It was almost as if they’d-

“Oh the swap!! Yeah um, some really weird shit went down while you guys were away.”

“Wait, wait-swap? What does--what does that mean?” Nona asked, taking a step back as if afraid of what the answer was going to be.

“It’s um, I don’t know how to explain it really we--the ghosts must of, um-” Jonas was stumbling around with his words, before Ren quickly picked them up for him.

“Ren and I switched bodies.”

“What?!” The two girls said-more like shouted-in unison, awaiting an answer that was unknown to the four teens.

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