Chapter 3

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Sick. The first feeling Ren felt when his eyes opened; sick. He could hear...someone talking? But it was muffled and incomprehensible. He tried to sit up; big mistake. Blood rushed to his head as soon as he even moved, and he fell back down.

“Jesus hoppin’ Christ…” He mumbled rubbing his head. His vision was all out of sorts, and he couldn’t see correctly. He gazed up at the stars, as they spun around.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god." Ren could clearly hear the voice now, and their panic wasn't helping him to stay calm.

"Who-ugh..." Ren tried to sit up again, more successful this time. "Who's there?" He mumbled out grabbing his head in pain.

"Okay Ren... If that is you-I uh-oh my god. I don't-I can't." The voice sounded really familiar, but he couldn't place it to a face...

"Um, yeah? Do I know you?" Ren hadn't noticed it before, but his voice sounded different; deeper. "Whoa." He said aloud, humming in different pitches to test out his strange voice, clearing his throat as a finish.

"Ren. I'm about to tell you something - I-I-I can't even believe it myself-but I think we um..." Before the stranger could finish, Ren's eyes focused on the figure in front of him. With one look, he screamed.


"Ren, hey Ren. Calm down. Stop screaming!" Jonas had his hands on Ren's shoulders, trying to sooth the horrified other.

"But you-I? What?!" Ren said almost hyperventilating. "This is fucking crazy."

"Yea, it is. But it's fine okay? We'll... figure something out." Jonas said in a calming voice, trying to hide his own panic.

"How the hell did this even happen?!" Ren questioned, once he collected himself.

"I...dunno." Jonas answered truthfully. He honestly had no idea how this was happening. "The ghosts?" He suggested, it was all that made somewhat sense.

"This is just-nope. Okay. I've had weird, high dreams before, but this, this, is just insane. More insane then fucking time loops and ghosts! Ghosts, Jonas! Ghosts!"

"Okay. Ren? You need to calm down and breathe. We aren't going to figure anything out if we panic, alright?" Jonas said, still trying to calm his own nerves.

"Okay, I'm-okay." Ren took in a deep breath, closing his eyes. "What are we going to do?"

"I..." Jonas shook his head, sighing. "I have no idea." The two sat for a minute, taking in the entire situation. They'd look at one another, almost studying their own facial features. It wasn't before long that Ren started chuckling.

"Ohhh my god." He laughed out, running a hand through his hair.

"What's so funny?"

"Just-we swapped bodies. This is like, movie shit."

"Yeah? I don't see why it's funny."

"Me neither man." Ren's response confused Jonas, but Ren kept on giggling. "I think We should go meet Alex and Nona at the gate, stop 'em early. They might have a better idea on what to do."

"That, is actually a good idea, for once. Alright, let's go." With that, the two set off down the stairway, Ren laughing lightly the whole way.



Sooo I kinda went with both reactions from Ren haha

This chapter was well...I tried. Lmao

Hope you liked it though!!

Next chapter is gonna have Alex and Nona again :p Where shall this adventure take us? ;)

Lol thx for reading!

-Nathan ☆

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