Chapter 9

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"Alright Jonas, lets get going. Boats up and running ready to take us home." Ren called into the empty house, hoping that his friend would respond. When nobody did, he sighed heavily and continued searching. It wasn't until he heard a groan that panic rose in his chest. "Jonas?" He asked cautiously.

"Ren...?" Once he knew the distressed voice came from Jonas, he quickly rushed over.

"Fuck..." Ren cursed when he found Jonas laying on the floor, almost motionless. "What happened?!" He questioned helping the other to sit up. Jonas' nose was bleeding, and he had a good bruise on his forehead.

"I don't know..." Jonas admitted grabbing his head in pain, dabbing his hand on his bleeding nose. He couldn't fully focus on the blood, his mind was spinning.

"It doesn't really matter right now. Everybody is waiting at the boat. We gotta go." Ren helped the other boy up, quickly guiding him through the house.


Alex helped Clarissa out of the house, guiding her towards where Nona was sitting. The second the two saw eachother, their eyes lit up.

"Ohmygod Clarissa!! You're okay!" Nona shouted and she shot up towards her friend. Alex let Clarissa's arm go as the two went for a hug. "Don't do that I thought you were dead!!" Nona scolded squeezing the other girl tightly.

"Awh c'mon. If falling off that bridge into the river didn't kill me-this sure won't." Clarissa joked laughing.

"Alex, I just-thank you!" Nona exclaimed, quickly wrapping her arms around Alex as well.

"I told you everybody was get off this island." Alex explained hugging Nona back. She then took a quick glance back at the house. 

"What's wrong?" Nona asked parting the hug and standing next to Clarissa.

"Ren and Jonas should be out by now..." Alex explained shifting nervously. Nona and Clarissa exchanged looks, before joining in on the gaze towards Maggie Adler's house.


Ren had gotten a couple feet, before Jonas passed out; collapsing into the other.

"Nononono! C'mon Jonas wake up!" Ren cried, giving him a couple slaps on the cheek. "Dammit..." Ren huffed as he began dragging Jonas across the floor, struggling greatly. Looking down at Jonas, seeing the bleeding nose, the purple bruises, and the labored breaths, he started panicking. His breathing grew faster and his movements became frantic. The exit was in sight and he started whimpering, trying to move quicker but only fell over. As he collapsed to the floor, he let out a short shriek, and landed with an oof. Ren was scared, scared he wouldn't make it out. Scared that Jonas would....Ren could swear his heart stopped beating for a moment, as he thought of the worst. He wasn't exactly sure what pushed him to get up, or how he gathered the strength to lift Jonas over his shoulders, but he did. (It was most likely Jonas' body strength) He stormed out of the house, seeing the girls and heading towards them.

"Ren!!" Alex cried running up to him as he collapsed to his knees, exhausted. Nona and Clarissa caught Jonas as he slid off Ren's shoulders.  "Oh god- what happened?!"

"Lets just-lets get to the boat..." Ren coughed out, trying to stand up again. Alex helped him up, and lead him to the boat. The other two were right behind her carrying Jonas. Once everybody was on the boat, the three girls gave eachother a look of relief as they started away from Edwards Island.

"You've still got to explain everything to me." Clarissa said, laughing lightly looking to Alex.

"This might take the entire boat ride home." Alex explained, as she settled Ren and Jonas in. "So get comfortable."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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