loves a lot

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and now he feels fearful. 

he needs to break the barrier between the two that clings onto their languor moieties. and hajime is not one to talk. ever. but as tooru is way too lissome to talk to, and a twitch of the slightest body part makes hajime flush different shades of velvet— he needs a mantra that will keep him stone-faced. 

that or ask sugawara koushi. 

"are you kidding me? just tell him." koushi rolls his wide set of brown eyes. his silver hair seems to roll along with his pupils, which only annoys hajime further. 

"you don't understand." hajime pouts, a frown tilting his lips, which sends ruination over his uniformed face. and then the smile that follows soon after as he thinks of his tooru spreading his arms over him. and then the shiver. 

"oh please, just tell him." koushi takes a monstrous bite out of his sandwich, crumbs dripping out of his mouth like all the blood pouring out of hajime's inky heart. "that's what i did with daichi." 

now it's time for hajime to roll his eyes. "sawamura was always smitten with you, but you played him like the piano that you play back at home." 

suga glares. tooru steps into the courtyard, his eyes narrowing as the sun glares at him from it's protective disk in the sky. clouds seem to part as he walks toward hajime. he plops down at him just as koushi leaves, an encouraging look pasted clearly onto his eyes. 

"hi....hi tooru." hajime looks down at his converse. 

"good afternoon, iwa-chan." 

hajime decides to wing it. and potentially ruining all hopes of ever getting his fingers running down tooru's pale skin. 

"i love you." 

instead of looking at his shoes, hajime stares straight forward into tooru's eyes. he searches, looking for a slight beacon of enamour. for a split-second he only sees shock. pupils wides with surprise. 

then slowly, tooru's lips curl upward, transforming into a smile. 

"i know." 

hajime loves tooru a lot 



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