love love love

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"you love me, right?" 

hajime doesn't even need to answer. if tooru would have opened his eyes earlier, he would see the butterflies twirling around hajime's trail of skin. but if he hadn't sent some ripples through tooru's oblivious mind. he feels bad for disturbing the calm that had settled between the both of them. 

hajime needs not to answer. 

tooru lights up into a confusing smile. which sends a myriad of emotions that ripple through hajime's skin, ending up with goosebumps. then the shy smile he sends which contradicts the swirling pot of platonic desires erupting from within. so he decides to holds his hands in front of his crossed legs and stare at the twirling grass the winds seems to love. 

hajime needs not to answer as tooru takes both of his hands. 

his hands feel soft. like a freshly washed sheet— sweet. they wrap around his fingers so easily. eloquent. summery. and maybe some kind of hint of woebegone. sadness of some sort. then again, hajime is just holding his hand. 

hajime needs not to answer. as tooru reaches over and touches their lips, reuniting sumptuous lips. 


"do you see what i'm seeing?" the pink haired teenager whispers, his mouth close to the other's ear. mattsun twitches his nose and inches slightly away. 

"i swear, hajime is pissing his pants." mattsun's lips carve into a placate smile, his features seeming to light up with the moonlight shining onto the pair. makki notices. and does accordingly. their lips touch as the moon accentuates their intangible features. 

they're less nervous than the bundle of nerves that is iwaizumi hajime. 

hajime loves, loves and loves tooru


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