still loves

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"oikawa should not be trusted." mattsun muses to no one in particular. his heart buzzes slightly as makki responds with a rolling of his brown speckled irises. mattsun's eyebrows knit together as a scowl darkens his bronzed face. 


makki moves his hands to mattsun's chest, their faces turned toward each other. his fingers reach for mattsun's chin, tilting his to direct his attention away from anything else that is differing in importance. 

"focus on me. 


hajime scrolls the forgotten posts that have pasted themselves onto tooru's board. his finger rests idly onto the radiating screen, ebbing negativity and passing it to the tip of hajime's index finger. the tremble of his painted smile. tilting. ugly. a frown. 

but what's in the past is in the past. 

"hajime, come down now. you ain't allowed to eat unless you set the table." his mother calls out, her shrill voice ringing all the way to hajime's penetrated ears. he drops his phone onto the blankets and sprints down the stairs. 

oikawa smiling. next to a man. if smiles could kill, hajime is dead. and more importantly, sad.

hajime still loves tooru 


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