chapter seven

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you heard humans voices when you woke up. they sounded like you heard them before. two people. males. one was deep meanwhile the other was a little softer. they were conversing in a whisper as if they did not want to wake you up. but you already wake up.

you opened your eyes only to see that you are in your room in your apartment, at your college. sam was sitting on cassie's bed meanwhile dean was sitting at your study table, in front of your laptop. you hated it when someone sitting at your table, does not matter if he invaded your work or not. but you figured right now's not the time to argue.

you moaned softly as you turned on your back. you gulped, recalling back what happened. alright, you went to class. you went to the library. sam and dean late. sam and dean came. you were crazy. you heard the foreign male's voice. lastly, cassie's voice asking for your help.

you did not know what happened.

while trying to make sense out of everything that has happened to you these few days, sam beside you spoke. "you're awake?"

you turned to look at him briefly before turning back to look at the ceiling. "yeap."

"you're okay?" it was dean's turn to ask. "you need aspirin?"

"aspirin?" sam and you laughed at dean's offer. "i'm not drunk."

"i know," dean replied, embarrassed. "just.... ah, nevermind."

"what are you doing with my computer?" you sat up, watching dean.

"making connections?" he answered, throwing your m&ms into his mouth. his eyes were focused on the screen, however. you did not know how he could do two job at the same time when you know, psychologically, that men cannot multi-tasking.

you crawled on the bed towards dean. your study table was at the foot of your bed, so even without an extra chair, you guys could share the laptop from the bed. "what have you got?"

dean sighed, taking a picture beside your computer and handed it to you. you took it, and observed the picture.

"sam said that's what you saw in your dream," dean started. "well i got that one. timberland. size 12. i looked up for the type, but they are pretty much the same.

"the police got no trails of the murderer. no finger prints. there were nothing on the cctv. and there were no witnesses." dean turned to looked at you. "except you."

"but.... i don't get it. who could possibly killed her?" you asked. you did not even know if you even asked yourselves or sam and dean because you know they were just as clueless as you. "she didn't have any boyfriends, no."

you watched as sam and dean shared a look. "no, seriously. she doesn't have a boyfriend. cassie and i did not keep our secrets from each other. like i told you, she introduced me to all her friends, families. i knew her cousins, her aunts and uncles. her grandparents."

sam and dean were silence. they both stared on the ground. dean looked completely empty and sam looked like he was thinking of something. however, the first person to broke silence was not sam. it was dean.

"when you were possessed-"

"i was not possessed," you explained to the brothers. "i tend to hear things when panic attacks me."

"okay. while you were.... hearing things," dean reconstruct his words. "what did you hear?"

"uh," you were shaking as you tried to remember it. "at the library, i heard people's thoughts. only them. they were loud like the buzz of the bees. and then when i got here, i heard someone's voice." you looked up at dean. your eyes were enough to tell him that there was something happening.

"what is it?" sam asked.

you looked down to you fingers ans you continued to explain. you were still near dean with your computer. "a male's voice. and a cassie's."

sam looked interested. he threw his laptop aside and sat at the edge of cassie's bed, leaning towards you. dean, in front of you, holds sam down. he was trying to make you calm because he knew, if they forced you to tell, you would not do it.

"the male said not her. and cassie said help me."

after a while, you finally looked up and the first pair of eyes you saw was dean's green ones. they were staring at you as if trying to find the truth behind your story. for some reason, after what the brothers have gone through, he seemed to pretty skeptical with you. you do not even know why.

then, when you get uncomfortable with dean, you turned to sam. he was already looking at you. he looks amazed with your existence. he looks like he appreciating God for your existence. no, you do not understand the brothers. to trust them was still far from your list.

you gulped. "what is happening to cassie?" you question broke the trance between the brothers. you knew what they were thinking, but you did not want to make it an issue. what important right now is cassie's murder.

"well," sam said sitting up straight, "i guess it's not about the history of the school."

"but it's the history of the family itself," dean continued.

CHAIN BREAKER // d.w x readerWhere stories live. Discover now