Chapter 3: Family Pryde

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Dreams of hate and fear and dread haunted my sleep that night and I was sure I did not truly get sleep. In and out of twilight and oblivion, it was awful. So when lights returned to the lab I was almost grateful. I looked around me as the stars reappeared to my vision from the abrupt change of lighting. The girl was beside me wrapped up in moss instead of vines this time.  Her eyes fluttered open and landed on me. And as though it was never there the moss crawled back and retreated over her skin and disappeared from sight completely. I gave her a weak smile of awe.

Mystique approached the glass cage of the girl and stuck her arm through the glass just like Magneto had the previous day. She drew a vile of slighted green tinted blood and stepped over to the machine and drained it. Meters and dials came up and it looked like some sort of progress report. I had seen some similar to this, one time when I was at SHIELD and broke into the Avengers Initiative file. Damn it. My thoughts diverted back to home. I was just imagining Tony freaking out and Pepper trying to calm him down and telling him that they would find me again. I imagined him drinking and never recovering from hangovers I knew only too well. I imagined Clint and Natasha not saying a word to anyone, especially each other.

Next Mystique walked over to the boy and spent an extra amount of time retrieving his blood sample. She battered her eyelashes and gave a girly giggle. The boy just looked away into nothingness. Then his blood was then sucked into the machine and his progress report was updated. There was about five minutes of silence, until Mystique grabbed the closest thing to her hand, which was a glass vile, and smashed it on the floor in anger.

‘Stupid! Waste of time!’ she shouted at the boy and girl. ‘No food for you until you see signs of change you pathetic excuses for mutants’ with that she closed down everything and stormed out. I wasn’t sure what had just happened and everything was silent for ten minutes before I had thought of something worth asking.

‘Why didn’t she take my blood?’ I asked to the other two. They both looked at me.

‘Because she doesn’t need you yet’ the girl said monotonously.

‘Need me?’

‘Don’t you see?’ the girl said to me face on now, ‘We are all different…and not genetically’

‘Okay, but what do you mean she doesn’t need me yet?’

‘Don’t interrupt her’ the boy snapped at me abruptly, his voice had not spoken in a while I could tell.

‘All of us were changed by something that happened to us. We weren’t born with these powers’ a million thoughts and theories passed through my brain.

‘-and because it’s not genetic it can be taken and implanted easier’ I mumbled. The girl nodded,


‘you’re rude you know that’ the boy slammed his fist into the glass, ‘that’s twice you’ve interrupted her now’

‘Harley-its okay’ the girl looked at him side on.

‘I’m sorry’ I said calmly, ‘I’m Naveen Stark by the way’

‘Yeah I heard’ the boy named Harley snapped at me, he then turned around and slumped down on the bottom of the cell and didn’t say anymore.

‘Don’t take it personally, he’s moody like that. I’m Trudy’ the girl smiled and was about to shake my hand when she realised she was enclosed by glass. ‘Trudy Wilson’

I smiled a little and my heart was both lifted and drowned even more.

‘I like your mutation’ I tried. She took it the right way thankfully.

The Three Elements #3 (The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now