Chapter 9: Radioactive Confetti

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  • Dedicated to The Bored Ones

Life was normal for the bulk of the following weeks and for once I was happy for the monotonous rhythm of things. I was glad I was not under attack or held prisoner. Instead I was glad to call Johnny Storm my boyfriend and to enjoy coffee and the feeling of being bored. Everything was hunky dory until we got a phone call.

I was playing Halo on the PlayStation that Tony had invented when I heard the phone ring.

‘JARVIS can you answer that?’ I asked our butler.

‘Yes Miss Stark’ the phone buzzed.

‘Stark? Are you there?’ My character died and then I paused the game.

‘Director Fury?’ I mused.

‘Agent Stark, is your father home?’ I heard his authorities voice call through the place.

‘Umm yeah sure I’ll just get him Director’


We were all escorted to SHIELD right away. None of us had any idea what was going on.

‘We searched the hospital from top to bottom we even excavated out the foundations and nothing’ Fury informed us as the footage was replayed back to us. I looked to the video and there was nothing underneath the building. Nothing was there it was all old-school boilers rooms and wire connections. No evidence that was any life underneath that hospital. Confusion and anger boiled deep in my stomach. I pinched the bridge of my nose while no one was looking,

‘Nothing? Did you change the sonar or electromagnetic sensory-‘

‘Agent Stark we have tried everything’ Fury interrupted me before I got ahead of myself. ‘So either you imagined it all or Eric Lensherr and Raven Darkholme have mastered the art of disappearing into thin air’ he said directly to me. I got awkward stares from everyone. This was when Fury began talking about crap which I don’t usually bother listening too. That was when my gaze shifted to Steve. I didn’t even know he was here. He looked tired and slightly angry. I wonder why he had been avoiding me for so long. I mean I knew he hated Johnny, but that couldn’t be it, could it?

‘Well Agent Stark?’ I heard Fury say to me, that’s when ten sets of eyes bared down on me.

‘Villains are technical they could have done anything. I mean I saw technology not unlike Tony’s, if they have his technology there is no knowing what else they have, it could just be the tip of the iceberg. But I don’t know what to tell you. I saw what I say I did, Mr Jensen and Miss Wilson can vouch for me’ I blabbered on. Everyone knew I wasn’t listening, so I took a stab in the dark. Fury had nothing more to say so I left without anyone following me.


Back at Stark Tower I stood above the large A that positioned itself above the city. I looked down and my mind was filled once more with the memories of the alien invasion. I remembered the screams and the fire and the blood and the pain. I felt my body leaning forwards and that was when a hand grabbed my wrist.

‘Not thinking of falling are we Violet’ Johnny pulled me into his arms.

‘Maybe, if I could fly again’ it was sad to think that I had lost all of my powers and was left with the ability to shift through things and burn others. I felt Johnny flame up beside me and I did the same thing and we must have looked pretty funny, two bodies of flame encircled together. It was great to have a boyfriend that understood you and understood how you felt. It was great to have a boyfriend full stop. So why did I feel so empty?


Trudy and Harley left Stark Tower and moved to the outskirts of Manhattan into their own place. It was sad to see them go but I knew that they would be fine on their own. Besides we were a team now the Three Elements. And if ever people needed us we would be there. Just like the Avengers or the Fantastic Four or X-Men.

It was strange because as the days grew shorter and I was doing nothing. I was making myself clear out the basements and find new projects to accomplish, like creating a cat scanner an oven and a washing machine. I then lined them all up on the roof of Stark Tower, launched them off the building and watched them blow up as I shot a ball of fire at them all individually and I watched as they cascaded down in a shower of fiery metal and radioactive confetti. That’s when my phone rang, I pulled it out of my pocket and it was Clint.

‘You’ve reached Bored Out of Your Skull Network your call is very important to us please hold’ I said those boring monotone speaker voice that those dumb phone network chicks have.

‘Okay then Nav, can you tell me why a few minutes ago you went up onto the roof and now there is metal shower parading down the glass? I hope that’s not Tony’s Mark 56’

‘OOH good idea Clint, thanks’ I hung up as he was about to protest and went to go grab the latest Ironman suit.  

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