Chapter 11: The Winter Soldier

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  • Dedicated to Naveen's Supporters

Being Tony Stark’s daughter is one of the easiest things in the world. But ad being a superhero, trying to face off against the god of mischief, being kidnapped by X-Men and your super villain mother all the while not trying to fall for the Super Soldier and it becomes a hell of a lot harder!

The battle of New York was possibly the greatest fight of the century and I was both privileged and cursed to experience it. I saw things and it was difficult to not help those who were at the mercy of Loki’s wrath. Joining the Avengers though has been the best thing and the worst thing that has ever happened to me. We won that battle and I took it for granted.

For the past to literally be dug up is something that only a handful of people ever experience. Meeting my mother for the first time in my whole life was something of a horror. She along with Loki kidnapped me and held me only for the sake of hurting my dad, Tony Stark. She was defeated and I became wary.

It’s difficult when you’re kidnapped once, it’s just stupid when you’re kidnapped twice. I had thought it was over and everything was okay. But however since I had gotten these new powers I was something of a gem and something to experiment. Trust me it was not the way I had expected to meet Magneto and Mystique. But I gained my own team the Three Elements. I escaped but not unscathed.

It had always been a complicated relationship between me and Steve Rogers.  The first time I met him I insulted him and immediately found myself crushing on him. But that was all it had ever been and all I had ever let it be. Even though we had been through an alien invasion and fought magic and monsters we still acted like strangers towards each other. I didn’t take a chance and I regretted it.

But eventually it just got stupid and I jumped out. So now I am my old self. I drink mocha coffees and I watch Looney tunes upside down and I can now say aloud that I am dating Captain America. Life has at times thrown curve balls at me but they have made me stronger. Even though there are still raised scars and tender memories I have people around me who have experienced their own internal battles. But at the end of the day you have to decide whether or not to be happy. Worldly things cannot make that happen. You can go through hell, but nothing’s going to stop you from smiling and choosing to overcome those things. To be honest I didn’t think that I was going to get out of the dark spiral that seemed to be consuming me. But I did.

And I am finally glad that it is over. And I know it’s over because I am now happy and content with who I am and what I do and the people I am around. And if I am faced with something like this again I will be ready.


My cup sat stone cold on the table and I had been waiting for everyone to wake up but by 2 ‘o’ clock I noticed that Steve and Natasha were nowhere to be seen.

‘Clint do know where your future wife is?’ I asked him when I had finally tracked him down in the armoury. He was looking for new bows and arrows and examining them all.

‘No Naveen, I do not keep tabs on Nat’ I was surprised he didn’t retort.

‘Yeah sure you don’t’ I mumbled and left to go find Bruce. He was updating the computer systems of Stark Tower and working on some sorta prototype for SHIELD.

‘Bruce have you seen Steve?’

He looked up from his work and he looked more alive and awake than usual.

‘No sorry Naveen, I thought he was with you’ he said and went back to working on his project. I looked over a screen and looked through recent history.

‘Have you seen him this morning?’ I mumbled to Bruce.

‘Well yeah a couple of hours ago actually, now that I think of it he told me to tell you that him and Romanoff were going to be away for some time’

I was only half listening because it was then that I found the recent history page. SHIELD field reports came up on the screen and they seemed to be Steve’s old progress reports and so were the progress reports of Bucky Barnes. My heart beat elevated and my breath caught in my mouth.

‘Bruce?’ I said uneasily and he wandered over to me and looked over my shoulder. I flicked onto another page and it was an updated version of the Captain America suite.

‘Did you make this for him?’ I asked Bruce.

‘Well yeah, I just assumed he was just bored with his old one’

I ignored him and continued to look onto the endless pages of research and SHIELD data. Then I saw Agent Romanoff’s status report and I saw that it had been updated in the past week and so had Steve’s. However at the bottom of the page there was a link and when I tried to get into it, the site had been blocked.

That’s when I started a hack system Bruce had told me to make sure I could get back into any blocked site. It took me less than a minute to hack into the website. But what I found was both disturbing, confusing and a relief.

‘The Winter Soldier’ I mumbled as I read the unfinished report. ‘Bruce I know where Steve and Natasha are’



And I’m guessing we all know what’s happened!!! ;)

I would like to thank everyone who has read, voted and commented on my stories, it really helps my online world grow

I would also like to thank Stan Lee, the Man with the best imagination in the whole freakin’ world!!!

But however I must admit that I will not be continuing Billionaire’s Daughter any further, but I do hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I have. It has been a wild ride :P

Keep on reading, voting and commenting,


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