Chapter 8: Nice Gestures and Nutella

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It was like my birthday only better when I got home. Pepper and Natasha were super girly and hugged me to an inch of my life. Bruce was short and quiet but I could see that he was worried about me. Tony did not leave my side and neither did Clint. The only weird thing was that as soon as we got back Steve left. I didn’t see him for days even though I was sure he was still wandering about the tower.

Bruce had ordered he look me over and see if he could figure out what had spiked the creation of the Three Elements. Trudy and Harley had stayed for a week or so at Stark Tower as well, just to make sure we were all ship shape. Only thing was I wasn’t ship shape.


Sitting on the hospital bed with a vile of blood drawn from my arm made the memories climb back into my head. Even remembering caused the jabbing pain to come back to me, Mystique as she jammed and jolted the needle in and out of my arm. I watched the blue images and scales on the hovering screens and this time I knew what they were doing. I felt fine physically it was just my mind. I felt so vulnerable and used. Bruce and Tony worked in silence for a while as they examined my blood and temperature and sight and everything else. It was only seeing Johnny and Nat enter the lab that I felt better.

‘Hey Violet’ Johnny kissed me and curled his hands around my waist and pulled me forward towards him.

‘Hey Torch, keep your hands off my daughter’ Tony snapped harshly out of the blue. Johnny moved and sat beside me instead.

‘When you boys are done probing Naveen I think it would be a good idea for her to get some sleep’ Natasha saved me. I went to go and get up but was stopped by all three guys when they said in unison “No”.  Both me and Nat gave them the evil eye and left the room.

‘Naveen your results aren’t conclusive yet’ Tony shouted after me.

‘Neither is this’ I gave him the bird and proceeded to the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and got out a whole jar of Nutella and a huge spoon and started to shove the stuff into my mouth.

‘I was more thinking something sustainable or healthy…but sure I could go for melted chocolate’ Nat grabbed a spoon and together we almost emptied the whole jar. Clint, Harley and Trudy all walked in and the two boys stopped in their tracks.

‘Oh god you girls’ time of the month again?’ Clint grimaced.

‘Excuse me?’ Natasha snapped a streak of chocolate drawn from her lip to her chin. Trudy who was holding Harley’s hand came over and dipped her finger in the Nutella and ate it too.

‘Oh no, that’s three girls now’ Harley mocked, ‘I’m guessing future historians will date this day the time when World War III started’ he pretended to whisper to Clint.


All three of us finished the Nutella jar and were lounged out on the couch in a food coma. Twilight was approaching and Tony came in ready to give some great news.

‘No more parties, because the last one I remember ended with me being kidnapped and I am getting too old for it’ I yelled before he could even finish.

‘Well that was all I had’ he sighed and laughed. ‘But Naveen you will have to do another blood test tomorrow’

I groaned and moved the lump that was an unconscious Trudy off me and walked over to him, a little dizzy because of all of the chocolate.

‘Tony I am tired and sore and scratched and bruised and I have had enough blood tests for a life time. I told you I’m fine I don’t need any more of your blood tests’ I told him straight gave him a kiss on the cheek and left to my bedroom.

Johnny was lying on the bed watching TV when I came in. I hardly noticed him as I stripped down to my underwear and changed into my pjs. He whistled and I saw his eyes light up with fire as I sat beside him on the bed.

‘What are we watching Storm?’ I said as I leaned against his shoulder and stared up at the Motor-cross tracks.

‘Okay cool whatever’ I said and watched as a biker stacked and flipped about ten times down a dirt hit. Before I heard his reply I was sleep.


The sunlight streamed in through the crack in the window shade. Johnny’s arm was slung around my waist loosely. I got up silently and went for a shower. By the time I got out it was eleven and everyone was up. I strolled into breakfast and the first thing I heard was,

‘Where did all of that Nutella go?’ from Pepper. Bruce was reading the morning paper and drinking black tea by himself over at the table in the far corner. Natasha and Clint were talking about God knows what…probably their undeniable love for each other. Tony was quietly slipping rum into his morning coffee while no one was watching.

I sat up on the bench infront of Johnny and snatched his coffee off him and took a swig. Even though it was boiling hot I didn’t feel it. Ever since I got this new power I’m immune to the intense heat of everyday things. I guess I’ll never have to wear sunscreen again. Trudy and Harley walked into the kitchen holding hands and smiling like they were the only couple in the universe. It was great that they had gotten together and I know Harley had been wanting to for a while. But you know being locked away in a cell by Super villains isn’t really the best spot to ask a girl out. Ten out of ten for originality though.


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter i promise next few will be longer :D

The Three Elements #3 (The Avengers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora