No. 3 // The Audition

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Mealnie's POV

I finally arrived to the audition room.

I stepped inside and I saw a table with three people sitting behind it. Two were wemon and the other was a man. One the the ladys said,

"Hello!" she said while looking down at a peice of paper, "Mealnie right?"

"Yep," I repiled as I nod my head.

"Great! Begin when your ready." Said the women smiling.

I nod my head and I got into place. The song started and I started dancing. I tried to forget the people were watching me and to focus on doing what I love. Thankfully I completed my audition with no mistakes thank god.

"Lovely!" said the man.

"Thank you!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

Then I started to head back to the rehearsal room. When I walked in I saw Emma talking and laughing with another girl. I went over to her and when she saw me she started to wave.

"Hi! How'd it go?" Emma asked me.

"Good! I didn't make any mistakes!" I said happily.

"Yay! I knew youd do great!" She said hugging me.

"Oh! This is Kerri!" Emma said while gesturing to the girl next to her.

Its the girl I bumped into earlier. Great.

"Hi." She said with a obvisouly fake smile.

"Hello." I replied with a equally as fake smile.

"See?! You guys are getting along already!" Emma exclaimed



Another pretty short chapter but I hope you liked it!

Also I'm thinking of doing a "meet the cast" things to show you how the characters look. Idk tho let me know if you would want to see that.

Ok bye💛

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