No. 9 // A Genuine Smile

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Melanie's POV

The class began stretching. We continued to stretch for 10 minutes until we moved onto across the floor work. Me, Cassidy, and Em continued to talk until it was Em's turn to go across the floor. Em did great of course with 0 mistakes.

Once Em went it was my turn. Ms. Annie gave me the nod to begin so I took a deep breath and began turning.

I tried not to be nervous so I wouldn't loose my focus. But I did make one mistake in the middle. Thankfully I was able to correct myself so i didn't make another one.

After me it was Cassidy's turn. I could already tell she was nervous. She made 2 mistakes at the beginning but was able to correct herself with Ms. Annie's help. Although when she came back she was still very disappointed.

"Ugh! I can't believe I just did that! That was Ms Annie's first impression of me and I blew it!" Cassidy explained

"Don't be so hard on yourself! Also don"t be worried about first impressions and messing up in front of Ms Ann. Her job is to help you improve plus she seems very nice! And don't stress." I reassured her.

"Yeah! And if it makes you feel better after you made a mistake you were able to correct yourself which is very important." Em chimed in.

"They're right ya know."

We look up to see Ms.Ann standing there.

"I am here to help so don't be nervous to mess up in front of me" Ms Ann said putting her hand on Cassidy's shoulder.

"Ok ... thank you." Cassidy replied with a smile.

"Anytime." Ms Ann said

We continued to practice until class was finally over.

"You all did wonderful! See you tomorrow!" Ms. Ann waved us goodbye

We all return to the dressing room to put on our clothes still over our leotards.

Once I was done changing I waited for Emma and Cassidy whose "lockers" were next to each other. Once Emma was done she waited for Keri to see if wanted to hangout with us. Meanwhile me and Cassidy waited outside.

"What are you guys going to ask right now?" Cassidy asked while taking her hair out of a bun.

"Me and Em are going to go to a cafe to talk and hangout. Her friend Keri might come to, do you want to join us?"

"Can I?"

"Of course! I'm sure Em won't mind!" I said smiling

"Ok thank you!"

Em returned with Keri and said she would be joining us.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cassidy!" Cassidy introduced herself extending her hand to Keri.

"Right back at you. I'm Keri." Keri replied shaking her hand flashing the same fake smile she had meeting me.

Keri looked back at me with a raised brow,

"Melanie." She said blandly

"Keri." I responded

Em and Keri went towards the curb to hail a taxi. Me and Cass on the other hand stayed behind near the steps of the entrance.

"Keri can be a little stuck up when you first meet her but Em said once you get to know her she can be tolerable" I explained to Cassidy

"Well ill take Emma's word for it besides she has to be nice if Em likes her" Cassidy responded

I nodded and we looked up to see Em and Keri hailed a cab. Keri sat in the front seat while me, Cass, and Em sat in the back. And we drove to the cafe.

"So....Cassidy what kind of dance do you do?" Keri asked trying to spark a conversation.

"Oh I do ballet and contemporary" Cass answered

Keri nodded

"What about you?" Cass asked

"I do jazz, ballet, lyrical, and hip hop" Keri responded

"You do hip hop?" I asked with a raised brow

"Yeah! She's really good! Her and her other group of friends!" Emma added

"Cool!" Cass exclaimed

"Yeah I'd like to see you dance some time." I told her genuinely.

"Thanks." She replied with the first real smile I've seen. (Besides when she talks to Em of course)

The cab ride then consisted of the four of us talking about funny dance experiences.

"One time I fell on my face during a solo and I just laughed at myself too much I couldn't continue." Em told us laughing

"I got so nervous during a group performance I passed out. On stage. So that was fun!" Cass added giggling.

"I socked someone in the face by accident when I was doing a hip hop performance once." Keri said laughing as well.

"Well I completely forgot my routine for a solo so I completely winged it and got away with it. No one noticed besides my dance teacher." I said giggling

After us laughing and sharing more stories we finally arrived at the cafe. Me, Cass, and Keri got a table while Em went to order for us.

The rest of the conversation at the cafe was the same as usual but Keri actually genuinely laughed and had a real conversation with me for the first time.

So maybe Em was right.


Hope you guys enjoyed that! Sorry for not updating in a while btw. Chapter 10 is on its way tho!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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