No. 4 // Keri

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Melanie's POV

"Anyways..." Emma then started to ramble about random things that are not really important enough to talk about.

I looked at the girl who she was talking to, Keri, she seemed to be intrested in what Emma was talking about. And was very nice when she talked and looked at Emma. But whenever she looked at me she always glared or gave me a judgy look.

After a little while Keri's name was called.

"Well geuss it's time to go and kill this audition." Keri said with a cocky look on her face.

"Your not nervous?" I asked her with one eyebrow raised.

"Ha! Of course not! I'm one of the best dancers at my studio. Why should I?" she replied. She then turned around and started heading towards the doors.

"Good luck Keri!" exclaimed Emma smiling.

"Thanks Emma!" replied Keri, walking out of the doors.

" do you know Keri?" I asked Emma.

"Oh! Shes from the same studio as me! I didn't realize she picked to audition until a couple of minutes ago," she replied.

"You were friends?" I asked confused.

There's no way Emma is friends with someone as rude and arrogant as that. But then again Emma seems like type of person who can be friends with anyone. Or she's just rude to me.

"Yep! For 5 years I think." Emma replied smiling like always. I fact I don't think ive ever seen Emma not smiling.

"Oh, cool!" I said.

"I know she seems a bit rude but once you get to know her she can be really sweet!" Emma stated.

"Ill take your word for it." I replied.

"Anyways I wanted to ask you something!" Emma exclaimed bouncing up and down.


"So! Ive been saving up for years to get a apartment and I finally found a place! But I need a roommate! you wanna be my roommate?!"

"Wait really? We've barely met through?"

"Yeah but I really want a roommate and we meet only 30 minutes ago and I feel like ive known you for like years! Ya know?"

I actually did. I do really like Emma and I would call her a really good friend. Plus I do need a place to stay if I get in to tbis school. So I said,

"Ok! Sure! That is as long if we both get it."

Yay!! Of course! I'm so excited!" she exclaimed while hugging me.

I laughed and huged her back. Then after Emma started rambling about other random things Keri was back from her audition.

"Your back! How did you do?!" Emma asked Keri optimistically.

"I was great like always!" Keri replied.

"Yay! Wonderful!" Emma exclaimed. "Also guess who got a roommate?!" Emma asked Keri excitely.

"Who could it be?!" Keri asked sarcastically.

"Me! I just asked Mealnie if we would room together and she said yes!" Emma said.

"Ooo cool!" Keri said to Emma.

"I have to go to the lady's room! Be right back!" Emma said, walking out of the doors.

"Well I geuss I have to like you now huh?" said Keri raising her eyebrow.

"Guess so," I replied

Yay a longer chapter than usual! Wow Julie want lazy today! Its a mirical!

AND I did 2 short chapters and 1 longer chapter in a day cause I have nothing better to do!

Anyways hope u liked it!

P.s ill be doing a "meet the cast" thing later so yeah! Bye!

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