No. 5 // The Results

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Melanie's POV

"What's your name anyways?" Keri asked me very blandly.

"Um Mealine? Emma just said it like 10 minutes ago," I responded with a obvious tone.

"Hmm" Keri murmured rolling her eyes.

" long have you been dancing?" I asked trying to change the subject.

I actually kinda wanted to be on Keri's good side considering shes going to be around a lot if Emma is friends with her.

Even though she's your typical, stuck up popular girl.

But she is pretty so I geuss she has somewhat of a right to be as confident as she is.

"Since I was 3" she said bluntly without making eye contact with me.

I just nodded my head and looked away.

Then after what semmed like a eternity of Keri looking at her nails and rolling her eyes. And me akwardy looking around. Emma finally came back from the bathroom.

Thank god.

"Hey guys!" said Emma walking towards us.

"Hi" Keri and I said simultaneously.

"I heard from someone that the auditions were over!"

"Which means...?" Keri asked

"The list of people chosen to attend the school is going to be up in a few minutes!" Emma said clapping her hands.

Right as she said that a man came into the room and announced,

"We have made our decision about who will be attending our new school!"

All of the dancers clapped.

"This is the list," he said while holding up a piece of paper, "We will put it up on this wall, then you will line up and see if your name on the list. Good luck!" He said with with a smile.

Then he put up the list in the wall and everyone ran to get in line.

Me and Emma ended up being in the middle while Keri joined her other group of friends in the front of the line.

"I'm nervous! What if I dont get in?!" I asked Emma

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll get in! And even if you don't its just a school so don't beat yourself up if you don't!" She said in a reassuring tone.

"Ok, I'm fine," I said, lying obviously.

I saw dancers either jumping for joy and shouting "Yes!!" or dancers shouting "No!!" and moping around. Some were even crying.

Then after it was Keri's turn to look at the list she came up to Emma and me

"Did you get in?!?" Emma asked

"Obviously!" Keri said

"Yay!! Congrats!" Emma exclaimed hugging Keri.

Then Keri said thanks and returned with her group of friends.

Finally it was Emma's turn to look at the list since she was in front of me.

She looked at the list and I saw her face light up.

"I GOT IN! OH MY GOD!" Emma said practically screaming. She hugged me very tightly and let me go see if my name was on the list.

I went down the names and I finally saw my name.

"Oh. My. God. I got in! Yes!!" I said pumping my fist in the air.

"YAY!" Emma exclaimed hugging me again but even tighter. I thought I was going to suffocate.

"WAIT! I just realized we can be rommates now!!" Emma said bouncing up and down.

"Yay!" I told her smiling.

I can't wait to see what the next couple years of my life is going to be.


Yay they got in! I hope you liked this chapter! Ill be posting a new chapter either tommorrow or later today!

And I just posted the "Cast" thing I was talking about. Its not completed since there are a lot more characters to inroduced.

Ok! Bye✌

P.s Thx so much for the support!

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