4 years old

947 26 3

Amy's pov

"Hi Mommy!" Emily squeeks as she walks through the front door. "Look what Daddy got me!"

I look over to her and try to hold in my laughter. She's holding a big pink mustache with a smiley face drawn on it in what I can only guess is purple marker.

"I'm gonna go introduce him to my other toys!" Emily shouts happily as she runs up the stairs and towards her room.

Mark, who is laden with groceries, bustles through the front door. He groans as he accidentally squishes a bag of tomatoes against the wall.

"Well, I didn't want the tomatoes anyway." He mumbles to himself.

I stand up and walk over to him, taking some bags from his strong hands. He must be so tired. Shopping with Emily is never easy.

"What's with the pink mustache for Emily?" I ask, giggling.

"Oh, yeah! I saw it in the toy section and it made me reminisce about old times and stuff, so I thought I'd buy it for her."

"Okay," I say, "but why the drawn-on face?"

"Well, when I pointed it out to her, she didn't like it, she said she was sad because it couldn't talk. So after I bought it, I gave her a marker, and that's what she drew I guess."

I nod as I put away a bag of chips in the pantry.

"Daddy!" I hear Emily yell, "Mr grumpy doesn't like pinky the mustache! You have to come up here and make them stop fighting!"

I look over at Mark. He's so clearly worn out. I feel a pang of sympathy and say, "I'll take this one."

He smiles and kisses me.

"Thank you."

•oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry it took me this long to update. I just kept putting it off. But I'm finally happy with how the story is going! Updates will still be slow because I'm lazy, but if you have any suggestions or ideas about the story, please feel free to write them in the comments! I always read every single one, so there's no way you'll be missed. Love you all!! K bye!!❤️❤️•

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