5 years old

722 23 20

Mark's pov


I hear Emily's little voice behind me.

I turn around to see my daughter in tears, clutching a lifeless hamster.

Oh no

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry." I kneel down and wrap my arms around her. She sobs into my shoulder as I rub her back.

Chica hears Emily in distress and runs over. She nuzzles Emily's leg and licks it, trying to comfort her.

I knew this would happen eventually, I just wish I had planned something to help her get through it.

Amy walks into the room.

"What's going on ove-" she stops as she sees what's happened.

She gives me a pleading look. I nod my head and lift Emily off the ground.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright sweety. He's up in hamster heaven and he's happy." I say to Emily as I carry her out the door.

She whimpers in agreement, but keeps crying.

I gently set her down on the grass of our backyard, and grab a shovel. I dig a little hole and then look over to where Emily is sniffling. A tear falls from her cheek and onto the dead hamster.

Chica followed us outside, and is now laying beside Emily, looking disgruntled.

"Hey pumpkin. Do you wanna bury him?"

She nods and crawls over to the tiny grave I dug, with chica following her. She gently sets the hamster in the hole.

I begin to put dirt over him, but she screams for me to stop. I take a step back and let her do her thing. She picks a few dandelions and places them on the hamster's tummy.

She carefully sprinkles soil into the hole until it's full. Then she walks around the yard, and comes back with a fist full of pebbles. She puts them over the now filled grave, and delicately spells out a word:



•Hey guys, I wrote this chapter a while ago, and completely forgot about Wattpad. School started and it's been a few weeks now. I finally broke up with my on again, off again boyfriend. And we won't be in again ever. I even blocked him in social media and stuff so I wouldn't be tempted to go back to him. Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm just making excuses too. I've been kinda sick of working recently cuz my teachers are making me do crazy amounts of writing already. But I will try to post more often. It might not happen, but I'll try. Anyways, I'll stop wasting your time. Love you all!! K bye!!•

A Family of Three (Amyplier)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz