7 years old

535 18 12

Amy's pov

"Hey Mom?"



"What is it sweetie?"

"Well, I'm confused."

"About what?"

"Where do babies come from?"

"Oh! Just a second!"

Yes! I've been waiting for her to ask this for so long! Don't take that out of context, I just really love when she's curious about stuff.

I run up the stairs and burst through the door to Mark's recording room. He screams and I jump back.

"Fuck! You scared me so bad! I'm playing a really immersive horror game right now! Why would you do that to me?!"

"She asked the question."

Mark gives me a confused look that soon snaps into a look of excitement. He has been especially eager to explain sex to Emily, possibly even more eager than I have.

We both want our daughter to grow up educated and safe. We are set on being mature about the subject, but I don't think Mark will be able to suppress his giggly-bitch nature.

He rushes past me and down the stairs. Emily is sitting on the couch. She watches as Mark slips on a sweatshirt and tumbles to the floor. She giggles loudly and Mark groans.

I calmly walk down and pull Mark to his feet. His hair is a little messy, but then again, when isn't it? We walk over to Emily and sit down on either side of her.

"I'm going to preface this by saying that you will think it's gross, but that's okay, because eventually it will make sense."

•Hey guys! It's been a while, and a billion people have asked for me to update, so here I am. I haven't been happy with my writing recently, and I'm not really happy with how this one ended, but I also don't give a fuck. Please give me suggestions because I can't think of anything. I'm also really lazy, and that might be affecting how often I update. My social life has also blossomed since the last time I wrote a chapter. I now have a girlfriend, and I've had my first kiss, and in just really happy, but having friends takes up a lot of time. So I'm sorry if it takes me like ten thousand years to update, but also give me a break because I'm busy and lazy. Love you all!! K bye!! ❤️❤️•

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