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are you okay?

why aren't you answering?


the texts from yoongi were blinking up at him, urging him to respond because he had left yoongi hanging for three days.

three days he had spent in his room surviving off of the sink water from his bathroom. darkness threatened to take over if he stood or walked for too long. he was starving, hunger clawing at his insides making it hard to even sit straight.

hey. i'm ok.

taehyung hit send and yoongi's reply came almost instantly.

where have you been?

taehyung hesitated.

in my room.

and then yoongi called. taehyung picked up, rushed as the shrill ring of his phone rang out in the room, worried that he would wake up his mother.


"you've been in your room? for three days straight?" yoongi was calm, but worried. concerned. "has she locked you in there again?"

"yeah. it's alright," taehyung said. "she'll let me out in two or three days tops."

"does she feed you?"


that was a lie. taehyung knew, and he hoped yoongi didn't know. he had been surviving off sink water. she didn't even give him water.

"that's good. how are you feeling?"

trapped. isolated. alone.

so fucking alone.

"fine. i just had dinner and i've been feeling okay," he said. "just a little bored."

that was a lie too.

but a few white lies never killed anyone, did they?

"alright starboy, if you say so," yoongi said. "come by anytime you want, okay?"

taehyung smiled. "'kay. bye yoongs."

* * *

two or three days tops.

now, taehyung knew, that had been a lie too.

it had been four days since his phone call with yoongi and the door was still locked. he was constantly lightheaded and his stomach felt numb, as if it had frozen over. he could barely stand.

he couldn't do it anymore. he needed to get out.

his eyes fluttered to the window by his desk. his apartment was on the second floor. chances of dying weren't too bad, and if he died, it wasn't like anyone would need him anyways.

taehyung sat up gingerly, gripping his hollow stomach with one hand as he stood and stumbled to the window. he tried to pull it open, using every last bit of strength he had, but his efforts proved to be useless. he groaned when the window only opened a crack, though he should have expected it since he could barely walk.

taehyung was giving up. he was going to die, or at least he felt so. he scrambled to his desk and pulled the lamp away, unplugging it.

god, he was going to regret this.

if he stayed, he'd starve to death. if he tried to get out and got caught, his mother might beat him to death.

he could die either way. at least the latter gave him a chance.

taehyung swung the lamp down onto the window. it broke with one blow, surprisingly, leaving a hole big enough for taehyung to crawl through and jump out of. he felt the sharp edges of the broken glass dig into his skin, no doubt leaving scratches he would need to tend to later, but he found that to be the least of his worries as he put one foot through, hearing his mother's footsteps down the hall. he stepped onto the ledge, leaning against the brick wall as he heard his bedroom door open. taehyung breathed heavily, feeling sick from hunger and fear as he looked at the ground below him and slid down the length of the wall to the window next door. he flinched when his mother shrieked. she poked her head through the window and had taehyung not been so weak and tired from starvation, he would have laughed at how enraged she looked.

"fucking bastard!"

taehyung climbed down to the next window, now just a few feet above the ground. he jumped, black spots clouding his vision when he landed. he felt weak.

"the window! who's going to pay for the window?"

taehyung smirked as he struggled to stand.

"should've fed me," he muttered.

* * *

it took him half an hour to get to yoongi's apartment, falling over himself as he clutched his hollow stomach harder with every step.

he leaned against the doorbell to ring it and couldn't find it in himself to stand back up, leaving his hand on the button so that the doorbell continuously rang. he heard heavy footsteps and curses and a smile graced his features upon hearing yoongi's voice again.

the door opened and taehyung fell forwards into an angry looking yoongi.

but then yoongi yelped and his face softened as he took a moment to grasp the situation. he brushed taehyung's hair away from his eyes before picking him up and bringing him inside. he set him down on the couch, face glazed over with a look of worry and concern.


"i was hungry."

"no shit. you're falling over, kid," yoongi muttered. "i thought you said she fed you?"

"lies. they were all lies."

"the last time we talked was four days ago. and you were locked in your room since tuesday."

"the human body can technically go for three weeks without food," taehyung said. "i'm only on day seven. maybe eight or nine. not sure. but i felt like i was already dying, so i broke the window open and walked here."

"broke the window open?"

"with a lamp."

"you're crazy, starboy," yoongi said, forcing a small smile. "you should have told me."

"what would you have done? ran away with me? if my mom saw you walking out of our apartment with me she would kill you. literally."

yoongi scoffed and reached behind him, facing taehyung again with a piece of pizza.

"lucky i was eating pizza when you came," yoongi said. "eat up. not only are your stars dying this time, you sound like you're dying too."

taehyung smiled gratefully, holding the piece of pizza with both hands and taking a timid bite. he knew from experience that eating quickly would only result in him feeling sick, and throwing up on yoongi's couch didn't sound like the best way to repay him.

"thanks for saving my ass today, yoongs."

"no problem starboy. thanks for stopping by." yoongi smiled. "i missed you."

starboy. kth x myg / taegi Where stories live. Discover now