
1.6K 156 66

[here's a solid 1k of angst before the cute shit lmao.]

"where the fuck were you?"

taehyung flinched away from his mother who now stood in front of him, angrily spitting accusations his way.

"i was with a friend."

"you break the window open and disappear for two nights?"

"i... i was just hungry."

taehyung trailed off, defeated and eyes downcast.

a slap echoed through the empty room, piercing through the sound of the television at the wall. taehyung's head jerked to the side from the force and he stumbled a bit, cradling his cheek and managing to keep his feet on the floor.

"i'm sorry."

another slap, another sharp clash of pain across taehyung's cheek, this time hard enough to send him to the floor on his hands and knees. his shoulder hit the corner of their coffee table, and taehyung held back a yelp of pain as he fell.

"go to your room. now."

taehyung sat up, pushing himself upright with shaky arms before his mother threw a vase across the room, sending him back to the floor in fear. taehyung whimpered, raising his hands above his head the instant the vase broke, tears streaming down his face in sudden panic.

"get up."

his mother's voice was eerily calm, each consonant stressed. her face was stoic, emotionless, and she was so solemn that it hurt. taehyung pushed himself back upright and was on his knees when hands suddenly gripped at his hair. he yelled out, desperate hands reaching to his mother's wrist as he was dragged across the room, strands seeming to rip from his scalp. he was forced to his feet and then pushed roughly into his room.

"four days," she spat, shutting the door behind her.

taehyung leaned back against his bed, closing his eyes and rubbing the bruise on his shoulder. his window was duct taped together sloppily, and cold air from outside was no doubt seeping into the room. remnants of the night he ran away still remained: the glass shards on the floor his mother had never bothered to clean up, the lamp, now snapped in half, sitting daintily on his bed, and the water all over his bathroom floor from how he drank from the faucet. taehyung sighed quietly, pulling away his sleeve and looking at the cuts marring his wrist.

there weren't many, but there were enough to serve as a reminder of his self hatred. he picked up a glass shard from beside the bed and took a deep breath before dragging it along his wrist. he engraved two shallow cuts, dropping the glass shard to the floor and letting his arm lay limp on his thigh.

he pulled his phone from his pocket.

you ok?

taehyung smiled at the text, calling yoongi's number as he made his way to the bathroom.


"that's me."

"are you okay?"

taehyung turned on the sink and slid his wrist beneath the running water, washing away the blood gently.

"yeah. she locked me in my room again."

"shit. want me to come rescue you?"

taehyung laughed lowly, turning off the water and wiping his wrist on an old towel that was hanging off of his bed.

"i'll be alright."

he sat down on his bed.

it was cold from the air that had been making its way through his window, and the rest of his room was slowly beginning to get colder too.

starboy. kth x myg / taegi Where stories live. Discover now