Change Of Plans

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The whole class period was spent with my mind on the dream. No matter how hard I tried, it was all I could focus on. Near the end we were given a small, ten question pop quiz, which I'm sure I failed. It took all the concentration I had just to read the first three questions, after that I aimlessly circled an answer.

One thing that did manage to make it into my head was the familiar sound of the bell ringing. Everyone stood up, gathering their stuff and heading out the door. I was the last one out the door, and I felt Mr. Albridge's eyes following me. No doubt he had already looked over my quiz and was wondering why I had done so badly on such an easy thing. But, he said nothing.

Only one class was left, and the halls seemed even more crowded now than ever before. People walked here and there, talking to their friends and not paying attention. More than once I was bumped into or nearly run over by a group of kids.

Pausing at the large, glass windows by the stairs, I looked out over part of the parking lot. The thought crossed my mind of just leaving instead of going to study hall. Not like I would really be missing anything, anyways.

Letting out a sigh, I turned around and bumped right into someone. Before I could say anything, I heard a familiar voice. "You're gonna end up being late."

Looking up, I found Xavier's green eyes staring down at me, a grin on his face. I tried to smile back, but only managed a very small one. Xavier's expression turned from slight amusement to a bit of worry. "Something wrong?"

"No," I replied, then paused and let out another small sigh. "Actually, yeah, there is. I ended up falling asleep in government and had this weird dream. And now I can't get it out of my head," I replied.

"Well, maybe I can help. Wanna tell me what it was about?" he asked, giving me a small smile.

I nodded, then glanced around him down the hall. They were almost completely empty, with a few students here and there hurrying towards class. "Maybe we should leave first before we end up getting yelled at for skipping or being late. I was just gonna go home instead of going to class. It's only study hall so it won't matter."

Quickly, we made out way out the doors and towards the parking lot. None of the teachers would think anything of it, unless they knew our schedule. Students were always leaving around this time to go to numerous things like work. They'd no doubt take us as doing the same. "Where's you car?" Xavier asked,

glancing over at me.

"Down at the end of the lot. Yours?" I replied.

"Right up here," he answered, pointing to a black Eclipse.

It was silent for a few minutes as we made it to his car, where we stopped. He leaned back against it, his eyes focusing on me and that same, small smile on his face. "So, where are we gonna go?" I asked.

Xavier seemed to pause and think for a moment, his eyes darting around in all directions. "Could always go to my house. It's only like ten minutes away," he finally answered.

Before I even thought about it, I nodded and started walking towards my car. Only when I was almost there did I realize what I had agreed to. Xavier and I were going to his house, and I seriously doubted his parents would be home. It wasn't like we were dating or anything, though. We were just friends, nothing more, so it couldn't hurt.

Unlocking the door, I tossed my stuff in and sat down, starting it up and rolling the windows down again. The breeze that blew through was refreshing and the car quickly aired out as I pulled out of the space and followed Xavier's car.

The drive was nice, with most of it on back roads. Trees lined the sides of the road with a driveway and house now and then. Finally, about ten minutes later, I followed Xavier's black Eclipse as it pulled into a long driveway.

His house was blocked by view from the road by a thick line of trees. Once on the other side, I couldn't help but stare at what I saw. Calling it a house would be an understatement. The place was more like a mansion, with three stories and tons of windows and balconies.

Parking beside his car, I turned it off and stepped out, looking around. There was a dolphin fountain to the left, in the center of the driveway circle. Flowers, bushes, shrubs and numerous other decorative objects were everywhere.

"I take it you like it?" asked Xavier, amusement clearly apparent in his voice.

I nodded before turning to look at him as he leaned against the side of his car, his arms crossed over his chest. My mind sent one thought through my head, which made me close my eyes and shake my head a bit to get it away. Damn, he's even hotter standing like that. If I could, I would have slapped myself, or dumped water over my head or something. Instead, I walked towards him, still looking around. "Yeah. It's huge. I thought places like this only existed in movie and in Hollywood and stuff," I finally replied, my eyes resting on his again.

"Yeah, I guess. But it's not that great. Truthfully, I wish I lived in a small house like everyone else, but my parents insist on living here," he replied, leaning up from the car. "C'mon, let's get inside before we melt," he said, starting towards the doors.

I followed after him, my eyes glancing at everything as I passed. As soon as he opened the door, I felt the cool air rush by me. Inside definitely felt better than outside, or even driving in the car with the windows down on A/C on. The place was probably even cooler than my own house was.

"You thirsty or anything?" Xavier asked, looking back at me.

"Yeah, kinda," I answered, as we walked into a rather large kitchen.

The place was bigger than my living room and kitchen combined was. I knew it probably wasn't polite to gawk at everything, but I had never laid eyes on such a place. And this was just one room in one story, there was still who-knows-how-many rooms on the other two stories. "Pepsi fine?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's fine."

Xavier opened the fridge and picked up two Pepsis, handing me one before opening his and taking a drink. I did the same a moment later, then followed after him again as he walked out of the kitchen and up a flight of stairs, then another flight until he finally stopped at a door and pushed it open, walking in.

I watched as he walked over and sat his drink down on a small table before sitting on the edge of a bed. This, I figured, was his bedroom. Walking over, I sat my drink down beside his and took a seat on the bed as well, leaving a gap between us.

It was quiet for a few moments as I glanced around at everything. "So, what was your dream about?" he asked, forcing my eyes to find their way back to his.

Letting out a small sigh, I began telling him about it, the look ok his facing staying unchanged as he listened.

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