Tye"Perfect 10"Dillinger

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It was a normal day. Lynn got up and went in with her day. It was finally her boyfriends day off and they had it all planned. She got up and smells wat smells like pancakes. She made her way out and saw Tye making breakfast. She hugged him from the back and he smiled and turned around to kiss her forehead. They both sat for breakfast and ate. "So Lynn. Wats ur idea on gettin married.?"Tye asked. "O. I think marriage is great. " "o. K" Tye replied and he knew that he failed this one time as he place his hand on the pocket of his trousers to feel the velvet box.

After breakfast they sat on the couch to watch to watch some tv. Tye put on "Sat Yes To The Dress" and they watched And  he dropped many questions in how he would love to see Lynn in a wedding dress and she kept laughing completely oblivious. The sighed and told her to get ready as he was Finn stake her for a drive.

They settled in the car and drove off as it was very cloudy that day the wind was cold. It was romantic to say the least. Before they left Tye contacted his friend to ask if he set up everything. When the friend said yes they left. As they were driving Tye asked Lynn to read the road signs. "Ok." She replied "will" "you."  Ummm"marry me ?"  And the. She burst out laughing Tye looked at her amused but before he could say anything she said. "That's the most stupid way to ask someone to marry them". Tye went quiet. Once again. Fail. Sigh....

That night Tye and Lynn went to a club. As they were dancing they started salsa and it was so catchy that everyone started doin it. As everyone was dancing and Lynn was dancin too. The went down on one knee but before he could say anything Lynn turned at him and smiled brightly. Then suddenly pulled him up and dragged him out of the club. "Just kill me" Tye thought

Soon they were home a das Lynn was making her way into the bedroom she felt someone take her hand and stop her. She turned and saw Tye "your too oblivious aren't u" he said as she looked at him shocked as he went down on one knee and said"now. Lynn. Will u marry me."  Lynn stood there shocked as she came back to her senses "OMG YES A MILLION TIMES YES❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

"  Lynn stood there shocked as she came back to her senses "OMG YES A MILLION TIMES YES❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Styles-Balor4eva there ya go girl❤️❤️🔮🔮

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