Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"So, Susie, you live here with your brother?" Ellie asked as she sat down at the table and removed her gloves, wrinkling her nose when she realized just how sweaty her hands had become while wrapped in the satin.

"Yes," Susie replied quietly, "Jacob is his name. He raised Sally and I."

Ellie noticed that her accent was different from most in Texas.

"Where are you from dear?" Ellie asked.

Susie wiped her hands on a rag and sat down at the table, folding her hands in her lap, "Virginia. We've only been living here a couple of months. This ranch belongs to Elizabeth and she and Brody invited my sister, Jacob and I to come live here."

"That was very nice of them. Sit up a little straighter, dear." Ellie urged, when she noticed the way Susie's shoulders were slightly slumped. She was supposed to be teaching proper etiquette to the older girls after all. Though Ellie herself only knew proper etiquette because Otis had spent hours giving her lessons so she'd be successful with her cons. Ellie herself hated the ma'am, sir, Miss, Mr., corset wearing, fancy dress ridiculousness that was considered proper.

She really wasn't sure what she would really like to be like, since every day of her life for the last ten years had been spent acting like someone else. Sometimes she thought about her mama. She'd always worn simple but pretty cotton dresses. Her hair had always been styled plainly. She had loved to smile and cook and her husband and children had been her life. Ellie hoped maybe someday she could have a life like that.

"You'll be living here with us?" Susie asked as she sat up straighter. Ellie nodded.

"Yes. Your brothers and Elizabeth wanted you to have a woman here with you during the day and someone to help take care of the babies."

"I think it will be nice to have another woman here to talk to. Most days I'm alone for hours with the babies while everyone else works. I'm not much help with the ranch so I help out with the house."

Ellie felt sympathy for this girl. She was obviously shy and withdrawn, just the way Ellie herself had always been before Otis. Ellie stood quickly and smoothed out her skirts, "I believe I will take that rest after all. I am awfully fatigued after my trip this morning. Would you show me to my room?" she asked.

Susie nodded and led Ellie down a long hallway to a door at the end, "This is your room."

Ellie smiled gently at the girl, "Thank you, dear. I'll only rest a while and then I will help you with supper."

Susie nodded and quickly walked away. Ellie let herself into the room and looked around. The walls were bright yellow and the furniture was all dark mahogany. The bed was small but the wardrobe was large. She pulled open the door to the wardrobe and found it empty. There was a small dresser in the corner next to a wash basin and pitcher.

"Home sweet home," she mused to her reflection in the full length mirror. She sat down on the bed, pulled off the glasses and covered her face with her hands.

What was wrong with her? Never before had she felt guilty over doing a job, so why was she feeling guilty now? Maybe it was because she had never before misled an entire family. Maybe it was because she felt a connection with little Susie. Or maybe it was just because she was growing soft.

She sighed and flopped back on the soft feather tick mattress, "Four more years," she whispered to the ceiling. Just four more years and she would no longer need Otis Black and he would no longer have her sisters welfare to hold over her head.

Breaking Jacob (2nd in Breaking Series)Where stories live. Discover now