Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Ellie had no more tears to cry and no more heart left to break as she threw hers and Liza's belongings into a trunk.

"Where are we going?" Liza asked as she watched her from the bed.

"Town. I have enough money to put us up for a while and I'm sure I can find a job doing something. I am not staying here with that man any longer. It's not fair what he's doing to me! He says he can't be with me because he doesn't deserve me but yet he doesn't want anyone else to be with me either!"

"What about my schooling?" Liza questioned.

Ellie rolled her eyes and slammed the trunk lid down, "Already taken care of. Elizabeth is taking care of it and I'll pay her back just as soon as I'm able."

"Ellie, you can't leave my brother," Susie pleaded from the doorway to the bedroom.

Ellie blew out an irritated breath, finding that the only emotion she had left to feel at the moment was anger, "I'm not leaving your brother, Susie. He left me." Ellie looked at her reflection in the mirror and smoothed out her hair. "Now go to Kent and tell him to hook up the wagon and come in and get my trunk. Liza and I are going to town."

"I wish you wouldn't go....." Susie said tearfully.

Ellie walked to her and hugged her tight, "I'm going to miss you and Sally. And I'll miss Elizabeth and Brody and the babies but I can't do this anymore, Susie. I love Jacob too much to have him so close and yet so far away at the same time. It hurts too bad."

Susie nodded and wiped her face as Ellie pulled away, "I'll go tell Kent," she said and quickly walked out.

"I'm going to miss this ranch." Liza pouted, "I really like Susie and Sally and I was looking forward to seeing them during my breaks this year."

"You still can. Elizabeth would never turn you away," Ellie promised.

Ten minutes later Kent came to the doorway of the room with his hat in his hands, "I've only ever been in the house once before, Miss Thompson, and it didn't go so well. What do ya say we hurry on up out of here before Jacob catches us and makes this time even worse," he urged as he looked around. "I got that wagon ready."

"Thank you, Kent." Ellie managed a little half smile, "Would you mind carrying my trunk out?"

Kent nodded and placed his hat back on his head, "Of course not." He walked over and grabbed the trunk but before lifting it, he frowned at Ellie, "I don't think Jacob is going to be very happy about you taking off when he's not here to say goodbye."

"Jacob doesn't want to be happy," Ellie replied harshly, "He wants to be alone and miserable and able to feel sorry for himself for the rest of his life as he whines about all the things he wishes he could be."

Kent nodded, "If you say so ma'am," he offered her a smile, "I know if I had a chance to marry a woman like you I certainly wouldn't keep you waiting, Miss Thompson."

Ellie smiled and laid a gentle hand on his arm, "You're a nice man, Kent."

Kent was a smart enough man to know when he was being politely turned down and he hoisted up the heavy trunk, "Ladies first."

Ellie started for the door but then stopped and walked over to the wardrobe. She pulled out the hat Jacob had given her and laid it on the bed. Then she laid the note she had written him on top of the hat and walked out of the room with Kent and Liza following behind her.

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