Chapter 1: Escaping and Falling

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It's funny how right now, I'm walking through the street. Yeah, it might not be weird to you. But it is to me, and my friend Olivia.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Scarlet Vinerd. I have long curly red hair. I'm very pale. I'm 5'1 and 17. I have light brown eyes with little speckles of gold, and my parents died when I was two. I've been living an in 'Orphanage' ever since. I don't call it an Orphanage, mostly because there's only like 20 kids that live there and it's a size of a house, and the isn't really a caretaker, because the only adult there gets drunk pretty much every day. I'm rude and obnoxious sometimes.

Then there's my friend Olivia Yolana. She has dark brown stick straight hair with icy blue eyes. She's 16 and 5'7. She's also much more shy than I am. Way more actually.

You probably want to know why we aren't we in the 'Orphanage right now... Let's start from the beginning....

"Up and at em!" Our 'caretaker' said. I rolled my eyes. She must be drunk right now. Well obviously, she always is.

"No thank you." I said, being my obnoxious teenage self.

"Scarlet..." Olivia said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I hate this place." She sighed. I nodded.

"We can leave." I told her, a mischievous grin growing on my face.

"No we can't!" She yelled, in a whisper.

"Yeah we can."

I eventually convinced her that we could, and being how I'm always right, she agreed and we climbed through a window. And now we were here.

"My feet hurt!" She complained. I groaned.

"Too bad." I sighed and looked down at me small feet, still walking.

"Oof!" I said as I fell to the ground. I must've bumped into someone. There were 5 boys walking what where I was. They must've bumped into me! I saw one with curly brown hair. One with a 'bieber' haircut, except he had a birthmark on his neck. I then saw a blonde shorter one with braces. A tan black haired one, and lastly, one with shorter brown hair that was wearing a striped shirt.

"What was that for?" I asked to them, still on the ground.

"Sorry love." Curly said.

"You should be." I said annoyed, and rising to stand up.

"Feisty..." I heard the bieber one say under his breath. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Harry." Curly said.

"Liam." Bieber said.

"Niall." Braces said.

"Louis." Stripes said.

"Zayn." The tan one said. I nodded.

"I'm Scarlet, and this is my friend Olivia." I told them, trying to sound polite as I can. I don't think it was working, because they could tell that I was annoyed.

"So where ya from?" Louis, I think his name was, asked.

"England. An Orphanage a mile or two away from here." I told them. They all nodded.

"Mind telling us why you're venturing out here?" Curly said. Dammit. Why can't I remember his name?

I nodded. And I told them all about our parent's deaths, how we got sent to the 'Orphanage', about our drunk caretaker, and everything else I could remember. They nodded, and seemed interested in it all.

"Wow." Was all braces could say... Niall! His name was Niall.

"Okay." I said, and realized I was still halfway on the cold, pavement. I lifted my legs up and stood up all the way, brushing my pants off.

"So...?" I asked.

"Do you know who we are?" Zayn asked, he was the only guy's who name I could clearly remember.

"Umm... Sure... Zayn.... Louis? Niall?" I had to think more... "And Liam?" I looked at the curly-headed boy and though long and hard. He had a lot of hair on his head.. And that was when it hit me. "And Harry!" I yelled, a smile on my face, the first one for a while.

"But do you know what we do?" Niall asked.

"You bump into girls and ask them lot's of questions?" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"No!" Harry yelled. "We just happen to be one of the most famous bands in the world!!"

"What band?" Olivia asked, the first time she talked since over an hour ago. I saw Niall blush a little when she spoke. What the heck?

"One Direction!" Zayn said.

"Never heard of em." I said, shaking my head.

'How dare you!" Louis said.

"I'm sorry." I said sarcastically.

"You should come over." Liam said.

"No thanks." I told him.

'Why not?" They all asked.

"Because we only met you like, 15 minutes ago." I replied.


"Well that's kinda weird. And you might be kidnappers."

"We aren't!"

"Sure." I said, rolling my eyes once again.


"No!" And that was the last I spoke to them. I rounded up Olivia and we were on our way, never looking back.

Except I saw Olivia look back, once. Blah for her!


Harry's POV

"We're following them." I announced to my mates. They all nodded, agreeing.

"They're gonna die without us." Lou said. We all nodded, agreeing once again.

"So let's do this!" We all yelled and starting acting all ninja like, hiding behind walls while following them.

Let's make some new friends.


Author's Note:

Haii! Lindsey here! This is the first book that Marisa and I are writing together! So enjoy it!

We pretty much decided that I would do the first few chapters and then we would do like an even or odd kind of thing...

So how do you like it?

I think it's a pretty original idea.

And Marisa here came up with it, and then I added on some details. And I made the cover!

So please stay turned (I sound like a news reporter there) and read them more!

Btw. I don't proofread. It's boring.

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1... 2... 3... 7...!

Okay bye!



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