Chapter 5: Harlet, Nivia, and More Adventure

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A/N: Hey guys! Marisa here. Lindsey got all up in my grill on writing this chapter. I can't help it if I have writers' block. Whatever. Enjoy!


Zayn's POV

I can't believe it. The van. Gone. We were away for 10 minutes max, and now it's gone. The worst part is that I left my mirror and my comb inside. How am I gonna make sure my hair is perfect now? I just wanna get out of here as soon as I can.

Scarlet's POV

Is it bad that I'm happy that the van was stolen? I mean, now I don't have to live with those losers that say they are in a band together. I guess Olivia and I still have to stay with them until morning, but oh well. They couldn't make it 2 miles trying to get back to London. I knew where we were, just not which way to get back. When I was in the orphanage, we had gone on a field trip. We took a bus here and had a picnic. I had seen the tree that Olivia and I carved our names into all those years ago. That was before the mean Chloe who was never sober came after the nice lady died. I missed her a lot. She was the mother I never really had. I have a plan to get back to London and find a job and hopefully get a flat or something. But one thing's for sure. I'm not leaving without Olivia.

Harry's POV

She has that glint in her eyes. Scarlet is planning something. I had seen it in the car as well. I now knew what the glint meant. I will do anything to keep whatever she's planning from happening. Unless it's a plan to get us out of here, then I'm all for it. I don't think that the animals in the forest would like to see me do what I love. I'm talking about being naked, of course. Time for some interrogating.

Olivia's POV

Wait.... Is that THE tree? I could've sworn. If it is the tree, then we must be closer to London than I thought. It had only been a 10 minute drive from the orphanage. So it must be only about a 2 or 3 hours walk. Niall came up to me. I was surprised that his feet weren't hurting. We were walking through branches and rocks.

"Want a piggy-back ride?" He asked.

I shook my head. "You've already given me your shoes. No more."

"It's just something I do for people that I like." I think he meant to say that in his head. But all the same, it made me blush.

"Did I say that aloud?" He asked. I nodded my head in response.

I caught up to Zayn.

"Do you think Scarlet secretly likes Harry?" I asked.

"I dunno. If she does, she's doing well to keep it from showing."

"Is Harry just a big flirt, or what?"

"He likes to flirt, a lot, but he wants a girlfriend."

"We should force them together. But it could end up a total disaster, or turn out really great."

"Let's do it!" He agreed.

Niall's POV

 I snuck up on Olivia. She was talking to Zayn.

"Let's do it." Said Zayn. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her onto my shoulder.

"Niall!" She yelled.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I told you I didn't want you to carry me!"

"Can't say I promised not to." I said with a smirk.

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