An Unexpected Appearance

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In a dark alley full of bugs, trash and abandoned kids, there sat a young naked. Gi-girl? No.. This was a Boy. And that boy was obviously Xu Tao.

Xu Tao had waited for it to get dark before going back home. He waited until he saw all the market place shops close down, and the houses to turn off their front lights. God knows what would've happened if he showed up in the village naked. Let alone the children, He would get ridiculed by the adults too!

So he waited until the crickets started their nightly orchestra practice and ran back home through the shadows. Compared to the hot 100°+ day, the night was refreshing as he made his way through the village. When he got to the house he snuck in through the back door and ran up to his room. He had made it.

"Not so fast tranny" called a familiar voice from behind. I guess I didn't make it.

"Uhh.. Hello." Choked Xu as he struggled to get the words out of his mouth. Not to mention, he still had no clothes on.

"Not coming home till late huh? That's sad. I wanted to see you get laughed at in the streets." Chen chuckled as he walked up next to Xu and put his arms around him. "You know I love you brother... Just tell me if anyone hurts you and I'll make sure to take care of them. After all you are my precious sibling."

Xu visibly shuddered at that statement. Of course, him and Chen Li weren't biological brothers, but after Xu's parents died in a demonic beast incident eight years ago, Chen's family had graciously taken him in. He was grateful towards Chen's family, obviously, but he could hardly Bear living with Chen. Every day was living hell.

"Here Xu, let's get you some clothes." Chen Li pushed Xu into their room and locked the door behind him. Xu sat down on the bed and looked toward the floor. Damnit! I should be stronger! What can I do to change this horrible life??

"Xu... Xuuuu... XU! You answer me when I speak to you!" Chen screamed knocking Xu out of his pensive state.

"S-S-sorry" Xu whispered weakly.

"I didn't want an apology! Listen to people stronger than you tranny." Chen grabbed Xu and pushed him up onto the bedrooms wall. Déjà vu much?
Chen stared into Xu's face, "You. Are. Mine."

Xu pushed back, "I'm not yours!" He tried to run away, but of course the strong rule over the weak and Chen pushed him onto the floor. His face furious.

Chen squat down, leaned into Xu's face and pointed,"No. You are mine. I can do whatever I want to you whenever I want! Do you remember what I already have done? No matter how hard you try, I will always be better than you! I will always be stronger!" Chen shouted, enraged. "Now get some fucking clothes on!"
Chen walked out, slammed the door and left a vulnerable (and still naked) Xu on the floor.

Growl~~~ damn I didn't eat since breakfast.

After getting clothes on, Xu opened the door and looked around for Chen in the hallway. Since he wasn't there Xu ran down the stairs to get some food. Seeing as Chen was out of the house and the Li's weren't getting back from the City for a week, he was allowed to have free reign.

Xu sat down after making a sandwich. I didn't study today. I should've studied.  He stared down at his perfect* hands and started to cry. He wasn't a crybaby, after years of bullying he had become numb. But today was different. He wanted to change. He needed to change but he didn't know how.

He decided to clear his kind by sleeping. Sleep was the one time of day he didn't have to worry. He dragged himself upstairs after cleaning and anticipated his journey ahead. The journey he would go through to become stronger.

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