Welcome to Our Sect!

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Qing and Xu walked through the last few trees and swatted the final bugs as the walked towards the entrance of the city. Xu was awestruck at the sight of the city, with buildings that loomed and could almost touch the clouds themselves. Xu, coming from a small village, had never experienced anything quite like this before. The buzz of the city replaced the sounds of the forest and Qing pulled Xu to the front of the line of people waiting to be admitted through the city gates.

"Hello city guards!" Qing exclaimed shining his government and sect badge. "This lady is with me" he winked. Xu could hear groans from the rest of the very long line as Qing and Xu had the doors opened for them. The rest of the people had to pay a fee and wait in a line that could take the whole day to get in. Not to mention the caravans transporting goods from city to city, they had to have all of their luggage inspected to make sure there was no bombs that would be a threat to the cities. After a certain incident in another country when a caravan exploded and killed almost everyone in the market place.

Xu took in everything around him, there were so many people and so many things happening at once, he could comprehend anything that was happening. Qing chuckled, "first time in the city huh? Don't worry, I'll give you a tour." Xu glanced at Qing with his jaw barely missing the floor.

How big is this place???

"O-okay.." Xu said while turning around and looking a everything the city had to offer. Xu grew up in the nice looking, nice sounding village. But he would soon realize that just like his village, anything that looks or sounds friendly is often the opposite.

They were in the City of Gladness in the Country of Joy. If only the title fit the product..

Qing pulled Xu and weaved his way through the labyrinth of people shopping in the market place. Xu saw people wearing noble clothes, commoners, and even the homeless and street rats in the alleys. The Country of Joy's capital and largest city was called Smily City. If Xu knew that this place wasn't even the biggest city in the COUNTRY, let alone the PLANET he would flip his lid.

The facial muscles on Xu's face finally seemed to comprehend where he was and the emotions his brain with feeling. The dumbstruck look on his face gradually blossomed into a grin that spread from ear to ear. Qing turned around to see if Xu was still following him and when he saw the large smile on "her"(lol) face, he chuckled and also broke out into a smile. I guess this is why they call it the City of Gladness! Xu thought as he ran to catch up with Qing.

"Enjoying the city? Qing said as he gestured to the colorful shops that were strewn about the marketplace, and the even more colorful fruits that were placed in baskets.

"Enjoying it?" Xu questioned, the put on an even wider smile if that was possible,"I love it!" Qing laughed and grabbed Xu's hand and he pulled him to a fruit stand.

"Get any fruit you want," Qing pointed to the rambutan and star blossoms, "These two are my personal favorite."
Xu stared at the fruit, the rambutan looks really scary he thought as he looked at the sphere shaped fruit covered in wiggly spikes. The star blossoms were like yellow shiny cherry blossoms, they grew on trees that grew in the soil Only found in the Country of Joy because of the extreme heat.

"I'll take the star blossoms" Xu said, not wanting to be pierced by the spiky outer shell of the rambutan.

Qing smiled and talked to the lady behind the counter, "This lovely lady will take the star blossoms and I'd like a rambutan." The lady smiled and took the two fruits out from the baskets.

"That will be 2 coppers," she gave the star blossoms fruit and rambutan as Qing pulled out two copper from his parka's pocket. He placed the two shiny copper circles into the ladies hand. "Have a great day valued customers!" The lady smiled and waved them off as she took another customer.

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