6. In Vino Veritas

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"I couldn't wait that long." He smiles mischievously, charmingly, at Elizabeth when she opens the mansion door that evening to find him on the steps, hands shoved in his pockets.

Ask what he's doing here! Shut the door in his face. Say something, do something, damn it, don't just stand there and stare at him like an idiot! But...

"Yo, Elizabeth. You in there, or what?" He cocks his head to the side, letting blond bangs fall into gorgeous green eyes, and gently taps her forehead with a finger. The touch sends a jolt down her spine, and she snaps out of her dumbfounded daze.

"I'd love to ask you what you're doing here, but..." She shakes her head violently. "Whatever; just come on in."

"Elizabeth! Who is at the door?" Her father's voice booms down the hallway, echoing off the creamy painted walls and the dark wood floor. Footsteps resound, and Elizabeth quickly glances at Meliodas in a panic.

He eases a smooth smile across his lips, and steps through the foyer to meet Bartra in another doorway. "Yo, Bartra."

"Meliodas!" Bartra shakes hands with one of his best customers, and quickly ushers him further into the house, Elizabeth trailing behind, nervously twisting the opal ring on her fourth finger.

The two men exchange their pleasantries and talk of business and wine; Bartra escorts Meliodas into the family room and offers him a drink. He accepts, and when Bartra disappears, Elizabeth turns on him. "'Kay, I'm gonna ask. What are you doing here?"

"I told you, I couldn't wait until tomorrow." He offers a lopsided grin.

"My father has no idea that we work together on an assignment. This already feels awkward enough for me, so try not to make it worse!" She hisses as Bartra reenters, carrying a glass of red wine in each hand.

"Try this, Meliodas, it's one of my newest." They both takes seats in the cushy leather chairs, and Elizabeth perches uncomfortably on a large ottoman, listening to the flowing conversation and feeling very much out of place in her own home. Where are my sisters? Why isn't Margaret making noises in the kitchen, or Veronica in here being nosy? WHY DON'T THEY COME SAVE ME!

"Ellie, Arthur's here!" Veronica, as if on cue.

...Shit. Elizabeth shifts on the ottoman, as she hears the front door open and close, Veronica and Arthur conversing in the foyer, and footsteps. Bartra and Meliodas continue to talk and sip their wine nonchalantly.

"Elizabeth!" The first thing Arthur sees when he steps into the room, and he gives her a huge, sweet smile, that she wobbly returns. Her blue eyes dart toward Bartra and Meliodas, and she curses silently, but oh, what was the point, he would have seen them in a moment, anyway. Arthur follows her nervous gaze, and knits his eyebrows together as he takes in the scene, but ultimately puts on a good front and strides toward Bartra with his hand outstretched. "Bartra!"

"Arthur, my boy!" Elizabeth's father stands and pulls Arthur into a manly bear hug. "Good to see you, good to see you!" He draws back. "You remember Meliodas, of course! Would you like a drink, Arthur?"

"No thank you, I'm fine."

"Have a drink, my boy! I have this lovely new wine I'd like for you to try, and if you like it perhaps a good word with your father...when will I see him again? Must get together, perhaps a dinner..." Bartra bustles out of the room, muttering to himself, and the three young people look at each other: Arthur suspiciously, Meliodas coolly, and Elizabeth apprehensively.

"So." Arthur is the first to break the silence. "How's the project?"

"It's good," Meliodas answers, surprising Elizabeth. He finishes his drink and puts the glass down on a side table. "We got a lot of work done at lunch today."

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