8. There's A Lot You Don't Know About Me

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Elizabeth returns to school the next day, and the day blurs by, even as she is more subdued. Diane and Elaine ask if she is okay, and let it be when she says she is. Arthur is attentive as ever, but he does not push for information, either, and Elizabeth is grateful when Ban and King drag him away for a round of boys' basketball at lunch time, and she has the distraction of Mr. Zaratras' history assignment to occupy the hour in the library.

Meliodas is already there when Elizabeth eventually walks in, materials spread out over what has become their usual table, and his blond head bent over the screen of a laptop computer. He looks up when she sits down, and grins widely. "Hey, Elizabeth."

"Hey." She doesn't smile back, but her eyes dart to his computer. "What are you working on?"

He turns the screen to face her, and she marvels over the detailed report in front of her. Beautifully laid out, with what appears to be a scanned, hand-drawn detail of the cover story from the very book she read recently, The Goddess and the Demon.

"Where did you get this?" she gasps, her eyes traveling over the two figures in the portrait, intertwined amidst a swirl of black and gold.

"I drew it." His green eyes dance with merry mirth. "What do you think?"

"Meliodas, it's—it's exquisite!" She pauses. "I had no idea you could draw..."

The huskiness of his voice makes her breath catch. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Elizabeth."


"Elizabeth!" Arthur whisper-calls as he heads straight for their table.

"H-hey," she stutters, surprised. "I—I thought you were playing...basketball?"

Arthur laughs, raking a hand through his unruly orange hair. "Not much of a game when Ban is taller than me and King combined, right?" His eyes settle on Meliodas, passively watching the exchange, and he offers a handshake. "Meliodas, good to see you."

"You too."

"Ellie, let me walk you to class," Arthur offers sweetly. "Lunch is almost over, anyhow."

"Oh—okay..." She looks to Meliodas apologetically. "So, um, we'll meet again tomorrow?"

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Sure."

Elizabeth lets Arthur lead her away, and he begins to talk excitedly about the dinner tonight, all the way up the stairs and to the doorway of her next class.

"So, I guess I'll see you tonight at the restaurant, right, Ellie? Veronica caught me a little while ago and said that you wouldn't be needing a ride home, so..."

"Oh! Right, yes. See you tonight." She attempts a smile, and Arthur brushes a kiss against her cheek in farewell.

She slides into her desk with several minutes to spare, and checks her phone. There's one text:


Drawing is for the report cover page, but want 2 get your approval on the summary I wrote. Library 2nite? No tricks this time, promise.


Can't. A dinner w/ Father. Sorry. Tomorrow @ lunch?


OK. See U.


"You look beautiful, sweetheart." Bartra kisses the top of Elizabeth's head as he escorts her up the steps of Le Mitron, the penthouse restaurant of one of the poshest skyscrapers in the city. "Surely Arthur will think so, too, eh?" He winks. Elizabeth blushes graciously, but swallows hard.

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