20. To The Stars

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When Elizabeth arrives home, her sisters catch her at the door and scold her for not even leaving a note, or taking her phone—but Veronica covered for her, so she is safe. For now.


Elizabeth stands in front of a mirror, studying her reflection. Cerulean eyes gaze pensively back at her, lined and shadowed with sparkle, and Veronica's clever sweep of blush brought to prominence high cheekbones that Elizabeth never realized she has. Silver hair has been swept up by Margaret in preparation for the dance this evening, secured by an antique opal hair comb of Mother's, to match the ring on Elizabeth's left hand. She twirls the stone around her finger nervously. I hope Meliodas likes my dress...

Shorter and sparklier than any other piece of clothing she's ever worn, the dress is a simple sheath that falls to mid-thigh, off the shoulder with long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. She fingers the rosy gold sequins, admires the length of her legs in matching pumps.

"You look beautiful, Elizabeth," she whispers to her reflection, trying to calm her racing heart.

"You sure do, sweetheart."

She whirls around. Her father is standing in the doorway, wearing a knowing smile of pride, and Elizabeth grips the bathroom countertop for support. Oh, no.

"I take it you reconsidered, after our conversation?"

"I..." Elizabeth stammers.

"I'm just glad to know that you made the right decision," he continues firmly. His grey eyes twinkle with pride.

Elizabeth takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders, just as the doorbell rings below. "Yes, Father. I did." Quickly she swipes some gloss over her lips, grabs a beaded clutch purse from her bed, and hastens downstairs to answer the door.

"Yo, Elizab—" Meliodas trails off as his eyes drink her in, and a blush creeps across his skin as he rubs a hand over the back of his neck. "Wow."

"Hi." She smiles shyly at him in the soft light from the porch, equally enamored. He's stunning in black slacks that just brush the tops of polished leather shoes and a black blazer over a black button-down. She remembers the ties she found in his closet, but he's not wearing one. "You look great."

"So do you." He smiles easily, having gotten over his initial speechlessness, but then his dark green eyes focus on something over Elizabeth's shoulder. "Hello, Bartra."

Elizabeth tenses, slowly turning around to face her father.

Bartra descends the staircase with stormy grey eyes and heavy steps that thud perfectly in rhythm with Elizabeth's pounding heart. Meliodas places a gentle hand on the small of her back as he steps into the foyer, and Elizabeth quietly closes the door behind him as her father reaches the bottom steps. "Meliodas. I was not aware we had business to attend to tonight."

"Actually, sir, I am here to escort Elizabeth to the dance at our school." His tone and expression are calm and respectful.

Bartra raises an eyebrow. "'Our?'"

"Yes, sir. I enrolled at the beginning of this semester, shortly after I came to town. Your daughter and I even have a class together."

Bartra's critical gaze turns to Elizabeth.

"H-history," she murmurs.

"You are a high school student, and you own a tavern," Bartra muses. Disapprovingly.

Elizabeth gulps.

"Yes." Meliodas is still calm.

"And you're here because you want to...date...my...daughter." Bartra speaks very slowly, turning the words over and over in his mind.

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