16. Even When He's Good

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Elizabeth steps timidly through one of the mansion's double front doors. It's quiet, and that's not out of the ordinary, so she gathers courage and bypasses escaping up the stairs to her room in favor of finding her family first.

"Elizabeth? Is that you?" Margaret calls from the living room, and Elizabeth finds her eldest sister perched on the piano bench with a blank page of sheet music in front of her and a pencil in her hand.

"Hi." Elizabeth takes a seat on the carpet at her sister's feet, drawing her knees up to her chest. Margaret gives her a knowing smile.

"How was your time away?"

Elizabeth blushes, and Margaret, bless her, doesn't push for details; but then Elizabeth sobers. "Does Father know?"

Her sister nods, soft lavender tendrils brushing across her shoulders. "He is...disappointed. But he must understand."

"Did you tell him everything?"

"No. It's your secret to tell, Ellie, and maybe when you are ready to tell him, he will be ready to hear it." Margaret offers a comforting smile, and reaches to pull Elizabeth up onto the bench next to her, where she hugs her sister. Elizabeth lowers her head onto her sister's shoulder with a sigh, and absently her fingers brush across the opal ring on her left hand.

"What do you think Mother would have to say?"

Margaret pulls away just enough to see Elizabeth eye to eye. "Mother would want you to be happy, and to make the choice that you want to make. Even if it were to disappoint her—whatever it may be—she would always be proud of you just for having the courage to choose. And she would stand behind your decision, no matter the outcome."

"You really think so?"

"I know it, Ellie. And I know Father will come around. He might need a little more time, and to ensure that his business with Mr. Pendragon will not be affected...but even if it were... Father loves you, and I think that what will really matter to him is for you to be happy, too."

"What did you tell him about me being gone yesterday?"

"I didn't. Veronica covered for you. She said you were with Diane."

"Thank you." Elizabeth hugs her sister tightly. "Where is Father now?"

"In his study."


Before she can talk herself out of it, Elizabeth raps sharply on the double doors to Bartra's study, two, three times.

"Come in!"

"Father?" She slips inside and closes the door behind her, resting her back against it. "Are...I mean...um?"

Bartra raises his grey eyes, normally bright but now dull. "What is it, Elizabeth?"

"Father, I... I'm..." She walks to one of the leather chairs facing his desk and sits on the edge, knotting her hands in her lap. "Margaret said that you know."



Her father sighs heavily, rubbing one hand across tired eyes. "I won't say that I'm not disappointed, Elizabeth."

"I know."

"I spoke to Arthur's father today. We'll continue to do business."

She brightens. "Oh, that's—"

"Elizabeth, I thought you would make the right choice for you and this family, and I don't think you have done that." He pauses, considering, and her throats closes up as she waits for him to go on. "Both of your sisters have assured me that there is more than I see now, that you had a reason, but neither would say what it might be, and Elizabeth, I need to know if I'm to understand. What reason could you possibly have for throwing away your future?"

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